Chapter 2000 The grace of saving lives
Zimeng looked at them with some confusion. To be honest, facing them like this, the problem is not to be confused, right?

What's more, the two of them cared so much, Zi Meng must be even more puzzled.

"Actually, I also think that she is a little familiar, but I can't remember seeing her there." Qinglong stood beside Zimeng, frowning with some doubts, and Zimeng immediately looked at Qinglong with wide eyes.

Qinglong tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, it was too long, he couldn't remember.

Zimeng looked at Qinglong helplessly, she thought Qinglong would say something to her, but in the end...

He couldn't even remember it!
"Okay, don't be so entangled, I'll just tell you." Yu looked at Zimeng helplessly. People who didn't know Zimeng thought they bullied her like this!

When Zimeng heard that Yu said that she would tell her, she hurriedly looked at Yu and stared at her seriously.

Yu was stared too closely by Zimeng's gaze, so she couldn't help but backed away, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and pulled Zimeng aside.

"Actually, this is also our compatriot, she is the goddess of life, but, since thousands of years ago, the goddess of life has been in this posture. She has always been a neutral in the war between gods and demons, and neither side participates.

It's just that she suddenly became like this. At that time, I also tried to save her, but I never succeeded! "

Yu looked at Zimeng, and explained to Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng blinked, so it was like this?But why did Di Mofan care so much about her?
Could it be that Di Mofan really likes the Goddess of Life?
"Mo Fan, why do you care about her so much? Do you really like her?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Fan with a smile, and Di Mo Fan looked at Zi Meng in confusion.

Like the goddess of life?

how could it be possible?
"Mother, what are you imagining?" Di Mofan looked puzzled at Zimeng who was smiling all over his face, and had a bad premonition.

Although he doesn't hate the goddess of life, he definitely can't say he likes her!

"Did I read it wrong?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Fan puzzled.

"Mother, I don't hate her, but I definitely don't like her either." Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and answered seriously, Zimeng blinked, is it that simple?

how could it be possible?
Di Mofan cares so much about the Goddess of Life, how could he not like her?
"Mo Fan is alive now because the Goddess of Life gave him her life force when he was dying." Yu looked at Zi Meng and explained softly, and Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Fan in surprise.

Is this how it turned out?
"That's true. The reason I'm still alive is because I thought she gave me her own strength so that I can live. However, she has become like this. Mother, please save her!"

Di Mofan looked at Zimeng, and opened his mouth with some confusion, Zimeng nodded seriously.

Since the situation is like this, she must save the Goddess of Life no matter what. After all, she is also the savior of her son.

Although, I don't know how to do it, but there is always a way, isn't it?
"Don't worry, you are my son, and she is your benefactor, that is, our benefactor. No matter what, I will save her. This can be regarded as helping you repay her kindness." Zi Meng patted Di Mofan lightly. As he spoke to him seriously, a faint blush appeared on Di Mofan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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