Chapter 2002 Too Many Books

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, still struggling, Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, Di Yuanmo pinched Zi Meng's nose, and looked at the others.

"Actually, what I'm thinking is, Zi'er, you have spent so much time and energy, but she still hasn't woken up. Could there be some other reason?"

Di Yuanmo's words made Zimeng stunned, other reasons?What else could be the reason?

"Actually, I've thought about it too. It's a bit like a vegetative, but a vegetative also has breathing and heartbeat!" Zi Meng stroked her chin and looked at Di Yuanmo in puzzlement. She looked at Zimeng puzzled.

What is a vegetable?
"What is a vegetable?" Di Yuanmo first asked a question, and Zi Meng blinked before realizing that Di Yuanmo and the others didn't know what a vegetable was!

"It's nothing, what should we do now?" Zi Meng shook her head and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo held his chin, and began to think seriously. Now, there seems to be no good solution!

"Otherwise, let's look through the book first? Maybe there will be an answer in the book?" Zi Meng asked with some uncertainty, and Di Yuanmo and the others agreed with Zi Meng's idea, so Di Yuanmo will start from luck. All the books brought there were taken out.

Looking at the piles of counting books, the corners of Qinglong's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Are these books a bit too much?
"Where do these books come from?" Suzaku squatted on the ground, looking at those books that seemed to be endless, and looked at Di Yuanmo with some doubts.

"I took it from luck. There are many books in the space controlled by luck. This is just a corner of it. But, you should have read all of them, right?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Suzaku and Qinglong in puzzlement. Logically speaking, Qinglong and the others were in the Sun, Moon and Star Sea. Now that Zimeng’s Shenjing space and the Sun, Moon and Star Sea have merged, Qinglong and the others should have seen those books That's right.

"We are not interested in looking at the things that luck is in charge of, so we haven't been close to them." Qinglong shrugged and explained to Di Yuanmo seriously.

The corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth tugged lightly, so it's not his fault, is it?They don't see it themselves, don't they?

Zimeng didn't speak, just picked up a book, sat on the side and started reading, Di Yuanmo and the others also didn't speak, each of them started to read the book.

In the entire space, apart from the sound of flipping books, there was no sound, and it was extremely quiet.

After Zimeng read it for a long time, she still put the book aside in annoyance, and Di Yuanmo turned to look over.

"what happened?"

"I don't want to watch it. After watching for so long, there is no result. It's really annoying!" Zi Meng scratched her head innocently, and looked at Di Yuanmo, who looked at Zi Meng helplessly. .

Indeed, they have been reading for a long time, Di Moli and Di Moqi have fallen asleep on the side, and the speed of the others is getting slower and slower.

Hearing Zimeng's words, Qinglong and the others also raised their heads. To be honest, they didn't want to watch it anymore. They didn't know how long they had been watching it, and they couldn't find anything. They were already a little bored.

"These books are too many, why doesn't luck know how to classify them? In this way, we won't have to work so hard, right? Really, this guy is not here at the critical moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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