Chapter 2006 Strange Soul
"Muxi, can you give us a definite message? If this continues, your master will die of exhaustion too! Do you know?" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi, and Mu Xi looked a little innocent looking at Zi Meng.

It's not that he doesn't want to help Zimeng find the soul of the goddess of life as soon as possible, but he has been looking for it for a long time, and he doesn't know which one is it?
"Do you want to rest for a while?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, indeed, after running for so long, Zimeng must have been tired, and they should have taken a rest.

"Well, let's take a rest!" Zi Meng sighed, looking at Mu Xi, who must be tired after working for so long.

Hearing Zi Meng said that he wanted to rest, Mu Xi sat on the ground without hesitation. After Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi, he also sat on the ground.

Di Yuanmo took out water and food, let Zimeng and the others eat a little first and take a rest, I'm afraid they will continue to set off!

"By the way, the God Realm isn't that big, is it? Why is it like this?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mofan puzzled, and Di Mofan sighed.

It doesn't feel that big, but it is still difficult to find someone, not to mention, they are not looking for a person, but a soul, and it will be even more troublesome to find it!

Zimeng sat there, ate the food Di Yuanmo handed her, and looked forward with a somewhat empty gaze. Now her mind is completely empty, and she really doesn't know what to think about!

Di Yuanmo and Di Mofan looked at Zimeng, Zimeng seemed to be biting something and eating, a little dumbfounded, which made Di Yuanmo a little helpless.

Similarly, he also thinks Zimeng like this is very cute.

Gradually, Zimeng stopped eating and stared blankly at the front. Di Yuanmo and Di Mofan looked at each other, and looked at Zimeng again.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and asked in confusion, Zimeng was quiet for a while, then turned to look at them.

"You said, do I want to hear those voices all the time?" Zi Meng asked quietly, and Di Yuanmo sat down beside Zi Meng, looking down at her.

They all knew that Zimeng could hear a lot of things since she got the divine power of creation, the voice of nature, everyone's heartfelt voice, and what's more, Zimeng didn't want to hear things.

"If you don't want to hear it, then don't listen." Di Yuanmo covered Zimeng's ears with his hand, preventing Zimeng from listening.

However, Zimeng is very helpless, so how can she not listen to her?

Even if Di Yuanmo covered his ears, those voices could still be heard, and they were very clear.

However, the corner of Zimeng's mouth still raised a smile. She knew that Di Yuanmo cared about her, so even though she could still hear it, she still felt very happy.

"Master, master, I feel it, I feel it, it's a strange soul!" Mu Xi suddenly rushed to Zi Meng's side excitedly, looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng blinked and looked at Mu Xi.

"A strange soul?" Zimeng was puzzled.

"Hmm, it's a very strange soul, it's far away from here, should we look for it?" Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng excitedly, Zi Meng nodded although hesitant.

Mu Xi finally felt it, if he didn't go, wouldn't Mu Xi's hard work be in vain?

"I see, let's go, let's go and have a look together, maybe it's really the soul of the Goddess of Life." Zi Meng rubbed Mu Xi's head, and Di Yuan Mo pulled her up.

(End of this chapter)

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