Chapter 2020 Zi Meng goes crazy (5)

By the time they reacted, the four great beasts including Qinglong had already started to act. Immediately, magic of various colors appeared, and all kinds of attacks combined to form magic of other colors.

"Are we going to help?" Di Moli looked up at Di Mofan, and Di Mofan was also a little confused at this moment!

Zimeng didn't let them come along, but they followed secretly. Who would have thought that Zimeng was fighting now?

If they do it now, I'm afraid Zimeng will be angry, right?
Zi Meng turned to look at Di Moli and Di Mofan. Seeing that Zi Meng had noticed them, the two of them shook their bodies, and Zi Meng waved back. Di Moli and the others who wanted to explain something disappeared immediately. In situ.

Zimeng sighed, and continued to attack, the movements of his hands were still merciless.

She has seen Di Moli and Di Mofan a long time ago, although it doesn't matter if they are not allowed to leave, but it is better to send them away, what if they are accidentally injured?
The attack is still going on, and the cooperation of Qinglong and other four great beasts is boundless. They know that although these people deserve to die, Zimeng just wants to teach them a lesson. Although they hate them, they will not kill them!
Di Moli and Di Mofan suddenly appeared in front of Di Yuanmo and the others, and Di Yuanmo and the others looked at them in surprise.

"Aren't you looking for Zimeng? Why did you come back suddenly? Did something happen?" Yu walked over and looked at the two people who hadn't reacted at all.

Di Moli and Di Mofan looked at each other for a while before realizing that they had already returned to the Temple of Light.

"Well, actually, it's because mother saw us, and then waved to us, and we came back suddenly. It should be mother who sent us back." Di Moli looked at Di Yuanmo and said softly. explain.

Although, he is not sure if this is the case, but there should be nothing wrong.

Otherwise, this matter does not make sense at all, neither Di Moli nor Di Mofan did it, and Zi Meng could only send them safely to Di Yuanmo's god for New Year's greetings!
"Zi'er? What are they doing? What happened? Why did she send you back?" Di Yuanmo looked at Di Moli and Di Mofan worriedly upon hearing this.

If there is nothing wrong, Zi Meng will never send them back. Moreover, as long as there is nothing serious about Zi Meng, as long as Di Moli and Di Mofan don't do anything out of the ordinary, Zi Meng will definitely stay with them. Nearby.

Now, there must be a reason for sending them back. It proves that the place where Zimeng is now is very dangerous, but they still don't know what the situation is.

"Mo Li?" Di Yuanmo looked at Di Moli's seriousness, causing Di Moli to lower his head helplessly.

"Mother and Uncle Qinglong are fighting with the previous gods. Moreover, Mother also took out plant seeds that had been useless before, and took out a lot of them. Uncle Qinglong even swallowed one alive in full view. god."

Di Moli was quiet for a while, and with some entanglement, she roughly told everyone what Zimeng and Qinglong were doing at this moment.

The corner of Yu's mouth couldn't help twitching, Zimeng was fighting, Qinglong swallowed a god alive, what's going on?
Why do these words sound like Zimeng is doing something outrageous?
(End of this chapter)

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