Chapter 204
"So, please, Sect Leader, you can be like this in the future and don't cause us any trouble." Ling Siyun didn't give her any face.

"Don't say that, I let you develop on your own, do whatever you want, where can you find a good leader like me?"

Xing Yage patted Ling Siyun on the shoulder, in return Ling Siyun rolled her eyes.

"I said, what the hell is the Liuli faction? What kind of leader are you?" Standing between Xing Yage and Ling Siyun so frantically, he glared at Xing Yage.

"The Liuli Sect is a sect dominated by women. Men are not allowed to join here. Everyone lives in harmony and never fights because of men. Moreover, I am very defensive. Anyone who bullies the Liuli Sect will not be let go. "

Xing Yage put away the smile on his face, raised his hand, took off the veil on his face, and looked at Zi Meng seriously.

The expression on her face was not only serious, but also proud, the pride of being the head of the Liuli School, and Zimeng's anger disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"It's because the Liuli Sect is all women. After living in harmony for too long, everyone lost their ambitions. I'm afraid that after I'm gone that day, the Liuli Sect will be divided, so..."

Xing Yage looked at Zimeng, and there was a hint of begging. Suddenly, Zimeng felt that a lot of things had been added to her shoulders, and she was almost unable to move.

She wanted to refuse directly, but, seeing Xing Yage's gaze, she swallowed the words of refusal when they reached her lips.

"If necessary, I will do my best to help them, but I absolutely don't want to take over as the head of the Liuli Sect. Therefore, before you die, it is best to find a successor first."

Zimeng was quiet for a while, then spoke slowly, and what she said made Xing Yage almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

However, soon, Xing Yage was relieved, she didn't care about these things now, she will first pull Zimeng into the Liuli Sect, and then talk about things slowly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see your residence first, Siyun, you two go back to rest first, it's been a hard time, if there's anything else, I'll ask someone to call you."

Xing Yage put his arms around Zimeng's shoulders and walked towards the Liuli faction, not forgetting to wave to Ling Siyun and the others, both Ling Siyun and Shengge couldn't help sighing.

"I said, as the head of the sect, shouldn't you look a bit like the head of the sect? You are not afraid of people laughing at you if you hang your shoulders together?"

Zi Meng looked at the hand on her shoulder, and rolled her eyes helplessly, but Xing Yage didn't care at all, and instead pulled Zi Meng closer to her.

"Zimeng, I know you are very reluctant to join the gang. Don't worry, even if you are in the Liuli faction, I will not restrain you. The freedom you want is exactly what I want. However, if the Liuli faction If there is any danger, I hope you can help."

Xing Yage's tone was unprecedentedly serious, even just now, it might not be as serious as it is now.

"I think you seem to have forgotten that I'm just a little girl who has just started to practice. The Liuli Sect is in danger, how can I help?"

Zimeng looked at Xing Yage with some embarrassment, Xing Yage withdrew his hand, instead of looking at Zimeng, he looked up into the distance.

That way, it seems to be missing something, and there seems to be some grief in the nostalgia, which makes Zimeng really want to know what Xing Yage has experienced.

(End of this chapter)

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