Chapter 2061 Time to go back (2)

"You know, you are not from this world, and you always have to leave." Before Zimeng's feet fell, the voice sounded again. After a while, Zimeng turned to look at the big tree.

"I don't know what you mean, senior?" Zimeng naturally knows that she is not from this world, but Lucky once told her that she is no longer in the previous world, so she will stay in this world forever.

Maybe Zimeng used to want to go back, because there are no people or things she is familiar with in this world, but it is different now. Here is her family, her friends, and her favorite person and favorite. people who love her.

She doesn't want to be separated from them.

But now, this person who didn't show up at all actually said that she had to leave anyway.

"It's time for you to go back." He seemed to have not heard Zimeng's question, and said to himself.

"Go back? I don't know where the senior wants me to go back?" Zi Meng looked around and said lightly.

"Go back to where you should go."

The person who spoke was still not found, but Zimeng discovered a problem, that is, when the voice sounded, the big tree in front of him would emit a faint light.

"Where should I go back?" Zi Meng continued.

"You are not happy here, and it is time to go back, to the place where you came from."

The place where she came here is the place where she lived before, but if she goes back, can she see her relatives and friends again?Can you still see Di Yuanmo and the children?

She is indeed very unhappy now, her child was sent away, and she couldn't see each other despite being so close, how could she be in a good mood?

However, if she is really allowed to leave, she will also be reluctant to give up!
No matter what, the people she cares about are all here, and she can't just let her leave like this.

"You are hesitating, you have to know that after you miss this opportunity, you will never be able to leave again!"

The two answers of leaving and not leaving are influencing all Zimeng's thoughts. Zimeng's head is very confused, and he doesn't know how he should choose at this time.

Should she choose to stay forever in this world that seems irrational to her, or return to the place where she lived before and start a new life?
"If I leave, can I see my family again?" Zi Meng lowered her head and asked softly.

"You will have your own new family! You will also forget everything here! They will also forget you!" These words made Zimeng's body tremble, new family?Forget everything here?What about Di Yuanmo and the others?
In the future, she can't remember it anymore, can she?
Di Yuanmo and the others will also forget her?Forget that there used to be a woman named Zimeng, how could such a thing be possible?

"Are you kidding? How could I forget them? My husband is still a child, and I will never forget them!" Zi Meng looked at the tree angrily and roared, but the voice did not resound.

"I want to go home, go home, go back to my husband and children." Zi Meng said a little stiffly, turned around and was about to leave.

However, the big tree behind him seemed to have made his own decision, and branches suddenly appeared, binding Zimeng there tightly.

No matter how Zi Meng struggled, she couldn't break free. Zi Meng also tried to control these plants, but it didn't work at all, and Zi Meng also felt that her consciousness was getting farther and farther away from her!
(End of this chapter)

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