Chapter 2063 Forget (2)

"Ma'am, are you okay?" A question interrupted Zimeng, Zimeng looked up, and the strange man was looking at her worriedly.

Zi Meng shook her head lightly, got up, and stumbled away, her mind was in a mess now and she couldn't think of anything.

She kept walking, kept walking, I don't know how long she walked, but she actually walked home, opened the door, saw the mess in the room, and Zi Meng sat down on the sofa.

I looked around, but I didn't see the little mouse that had sneaked into the house before.

When should we leave?

Zi Meng looked down at her clothes, then got up, took off her clothes, went to the bathroom, put hot water on it, and stood under the water, Zi Meng was in a daze.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, and some inexplicable scenes always appeared in her mind. She didn't seem to have experienced those scenes, but they were so familiar.

"What's going on?" Zimeng sighed, and gently smoothed her wet hair.

The hard touch on her finger made Zimeng turn off the faucet, and looked at her finger, which had a delicate ring on it, and Zimeng blinked suspiciously.

She never wears anything on her hand, when did she get the ring?
"What's the matter? I'm a doctor, how can I wear these things that get in the way?" Zi Meng wanted to take off the ring on her hand.

However, when her finger just touched the ring, a familiar figure flashed in her mind, and Zimeng froze there.

"Strange! There are many things I can't figure out! Could it be that I have the legendary amnesia? No way?"

Zimeng stroked her chin and thought for a while. Finally, she felt her own pulse, but she didn't find any problem. But why do strange scenes often appear in her mind?
Zi Meng pulled out the ring on her hand a few times, but it didn't matter if the ring didn't move at all, her fingers were a little red and swollen. In the end, Zi Meng had no choice but to give up.

Putting on her pajamas, Zi Meng stretched fiercely and came out of the bathroom. She was really tired after walking for such a long time!
Getting into the comfortable bed, Zi Meng flipped back and forth from left to right for a long time, then sat up abruptly.

"What's the matter? I still have insomnia? Is this still me? How is it possible?" Zimeng's face was full of shock, but she didn't know that she had insomnia symptoms!
"I always feel like there's something wrong with it!" Zi Meng said lazily while sitting under the quilt.

Lie down on the bed again, Zimeng didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

In the next few days, Zimeng was in a state of various states. On the way, she always heard someone calling her for no reason, but after searching around, she didn't find anything, and she was thought to be insane.

Went to the hospital to see, everything is healthy, no problem.

With some doubts and hesitation, Zimeng went to find a psychologist, but the psychologist didn't know what was going on, which made Zimeng even more confused.

"Could it be that I'm really thinking too much? No way?" Zimeng sat at the desk, looking at the pile of books that might be helpful to her situation.

Zimeng was lying on the table, writing and drawing with the pen in her hand, and when Zimeng realized it, a piece of paper was covered with "Di Yuanmo".

"Di Yuanmo, that's the name again. Could it be that I really know such a person?"

(End of this chapter)

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