Chapter 2067 Qinglisheng (1)

Afterwards, Di Yuanmo helped Zimeng change her clothes, and then walked out holding Zimeng's hand.

When it was still dark outside, the moon was hanging in the air. Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo stood together, looking up at the moon in the sky.

"Yuan, do you think we can revive Gu Qingli with our current abilities?" Zi Meng looked at the moon in the sky and asked Di Yuanmo, who looked down at Zi Meng.

"You can try it."


Di Yuanmo knew that Zi Meng had always blamed himself for Gu Qingli's death, so he put Gu Qingli's sojourn bow beside Bei Liyang.

She was afraid that when she faced Gu Qingli, she would think of Gu Qingli's death.

"Zi'er, I've said it before, no matter what decision you make, I will agree." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's ecstatic gaze, and opened his mouth softly. Zi Meng turned his head, looked at Di Yuan Mo and smiled up.

"To tell you the truth, Yuan, I still like your nasty look when we first got along." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and showed a teasing smile. Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, but couldn't help laughing up.

At that time, he seemed to have a dark belly, but Zimeng still remembered it, but now he seems to be a bit too calm, and Di Moli has completely inherited his character!

"Sister-in-law, are you awake?" Di Xueyuan walked in with Di Moli and Di Moqi from the outside, saw Zimeng standing outside, and hurried over.

"Well, I'm sorry, Xueyuan, I made you worry." Zimeng smiled at Di Xueyuan, squatted down and looked at the two children, who were standing in front of Zimeng.

"Mother, you won't sleep for so long anymore, right?" Di Moqi looked at Zimeng pitifully, and Zimeng looked at her apologetically.

"No, I won't sleep for so long in the future." Zi Meng rubbed the heads of the two of them, sleeping for such a long time made the two children worry.

It seems that in the future, no matter whether it is sleeping or doing anything, you can't be too careless, otherwise, wouldn't it make many people worry?

"Mother, are you okay?" Di Moli looked at Zi Meng worriedly, Zi Meng smiled and nodded at him, and Di Moli sighed deeply.

Seeing Di Moli's little adult appearance, Zimeng laughed, Di Yuanmo helped Zimeng up, looked at the two children, thought about what Zimeng said before, and ran away from home!
After the two of them ran away from home, I don't know what the two children will think. Although they know that they cannot be wronged, they must be very angry, right?

"Xueyuan, where's your man?" Zimeng turned to look at Di Xueyuan, who blinked.

"He's busy at home, what's the matter?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng puzzled, Zimeng just woke up, what's the matter with Bei Liyang?
During this time, Bei Liyang has been busy with the housework of Bei Li's family, and didn't go out much.

"I have something to do with him, let's go, let's go to Bei Li's house?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who nodded.

Di Xueyuan looked puzzled at Di Yuanmo and the others leading a child away, and hurriedly chased after them. What's going on with these two?Just leave and leave her here alone?

Along the way, people kept saying hello to Zimeng and the others, and Zimeng also responded to them with a smile. Di Xueyuan, who was following behind, was very puzzled. A few days ago, Zimeng was still in a depressed mood. become so good?
(End of this chapter)

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