Chapter 2071 Qinglisheng (5)

"Thank you, Zimeng." Gu Qingli sincerely thanked Zimeng, Zimeng shook her head lightly, it should be Zimeng who thanked, not Gu Qingli!
"Let's go, I think, when we come back, we will give Ayang and the others a great surprise!" Zi Meng looked at Gu Qingli excitedly, and Gu Qingli hesitated for a while and nodded slightly.

Di Yuanmo talked to Bei Liyang, and took Zimeng and Gu Qing away to the place where Gu Qingli's body was buried.

Standing in a sea of ​​flowers, Gu Qingli looked at the surrounding environment gratefully. He had never been here before, and he didn't know that the environment would be so beautiful.

"I didn't expect this place to be so beautiful. It's a good choice to be buried here forever." Gu Qingli looked at the surrounding environment, closed his eyes and spoke softly.

"Of course, this is where Zi'er and I decided to live in the future. Thinking about you being here all the time seems to be in the way!" Di Yuanmo looked at Gu Qingli and smiled, then walked towards the place where Gu Qingli was buried.

get in the way?

Gu Qingli raised his eyebrows and Zimeng followed, looking at the tombstone in front of him, Gu Qingli looked at Di Yuanmo and Zimeng at a loss, not knowing how to dig out the coffin!
Zi Meng didn't speak, and took a step forward, then, with a light wave, a small green girl grew on the grave, and then gradually grew, until it became a towering tree, Zi Meng took back her hand.

Then, Zimeng walked up to the tree and put her hand on the tree. Under Gu Qingli's gaze, the coffin was delivered out.

Gu Qingli opened his mouth in surprise, but Di Yuanmo walked over directly, waved his hand, and opened the lid of the coffin.

Zi Meng looked at Gu Qingli, then at the magic bow in his hand, and then at the corpse in the coffin.

Gu Qingli walked over and looked at his body. Not only was it not rotten, but even the wounds from before had disappeared. Gu Qingli looked at Zimeng in bewilderment.

Zimeng took a deep breath, "Qingli, I don't know if I can do it. If I can't, I might never have a chance in the future."

"I understand, don't worry, even if there is even the slightest chance, I want to try." Gu Qingli smiled at Zimeng, who nodded and took another deep breath.

She knew that at this time, she couldn't be too nervous, but she could feel that her hands were trembling, very violently.

Zi Meng retracted the outstretched hand, as if afraid of failure, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo a little discouraged.

Di Yuanmo walked directly to her side, and then gently held her hand.

"Don't worry, you can do it, and even if you fail, things will just go back to the present." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, and spoke very seriously. Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and then, He looked up at Gu Qingli.

"It doesn't matter even if you fail, Zimeng, let's start!" Gu Qingli looked at Zimeng and opened his mouth softly. After Zimeng took a sharp breath, he looked at the magic bow in his hand.

And Gu Qingli didn't need Zimeng's reminder, so he flashed back into the divine bow. Zimeng's hand was gently placed on the divine skill, and then, a pale white light was pulled by Zimeng from the divine bow little by little. out.

The light flickered in Zi Meng's palm, and Zi Meng carefully brought the light close to Gu Qingli's body. The light floated out of Zi Meng's palm and landed on Gu Qingli's body.

(End of this chapter)

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