Chapter 2075 Qinglisheng (8)

"Thank you, Zi Meng." After being quiet for a while, Gu Qingli turned his head and thanked Zi Meng. Zi Meng just smiled and pulled out the silver needle when the time was up.

"Qingli, your body and soul haven't fully merged, so Yuan and I will protect you these few days, so you should practice hard." Zi Meng watched Gu Qingli speak softly, and Gu Qingli nodded.

Zi Meng helped him to sit up, watched Gu Qingli sit cross-legged, Zi Meng returned to Di Yuanmo's side, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng puzzled.

"The words just now, were you deliberately provoking Gu Qingli, or did you say what was in your heart?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, as if he hadn't expected Zi Meng to do that. Ask this question out of the blue.

"What do you think?" Di Yuanmo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled at Zi Meng, who rolled her eyes and gently pushed Di Yuanmo away.

She knew that it was impossible for Di Yuanmo to tell her the truth, but Zi Meng didn't really care about it. Anyway, no matter what Di Yuanmo said, as long as Gu Qingli woke up, everything would be fine. It's not a big deal anymore.

"How is his body?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, who sat up straight and looked at Gu Qingli.

"For the time being, his soul and body haven't fully fused. In the past few days, I've given him acupuncture, plus his own cultivation, and it will definitely be fine."

Zi Meng looked at Gu Qingli smiling happily, and Di Yuanmo lay helplessly on his side on the slump, supporting his head with one hand and Zi Meng's shoulder with the other.

"You're smiling so happily, are you planning something else?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and opened his mouth lightly. Hearing what he said, Zimeng was immediately dissatisfied!
"Who says my idea is a ghost idea? All my attention is very advanced, okay?" Zimeng turned around dissatisfied, and pulled Di Yuanmo's collar. Di Yuanmo just smiled and grabbed it. Zimeng's hand.

Of course, Di Yuanmo knew that Zimeng had plans, and after that, Zimeng was going to run away from home. Seeing her smiling so happily, she must have already made up her mind about where she wanted to go.

"Yes yes yes, your good idea, have you thought it over?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng nodded happily, and Di Yuanmo gently pinched her face.

"We will set off when Gu Qingli's body fully recovers." Zi Meng whispered to Di Yuanmo, who nodded in agreement.

However, Di Yuanmo didn't ask where Zi Meng was going, because no matter where Zi Meng wanted to go, Di Yuanmo would follow him unconditionally.

Therefore, there is no need to ask Zimeng anything.

"Now, the only thing I'm worried about is whether Gu Qingli's strength after that is still the same as before." Zi Meng sat up straight and looked at Gu Qingli worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo asked puzzled.

"Gu Qingli's body has always been in a static state. Although my power has always been guarding him by his side, how can his soul be said to have been a weapon spirit in the Divine Bow for so long? , so, I'm worried..."

Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo frowned, and looked at Zi Meng, "Even if his strength is not as good as before, he probably doesn't care, as long as he works hard, he will be fine."

Di Yuanmo opened his mouth to comfort Zimeng, Zimeng thought about it and nodded lightly, as long as the person is still alive, the cultivation base still needs to be cultivated from the beginning again.

(End of this chapter)

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