Chapter 2082 Dignity is gone

Qinglong and the others must know Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo best. Now that Qinglong and the others have said that, how could they not listen?
However, at this moment, the most important thing is how to explain this matter to the two children.

"Adults, may I ask, can you explain this to Mo Li and Mo Qi?" Bei Liyang looked at Qinglong and the others in embarrassment. Qi and Di Moli who sat there obediently.

This matter, for the two of them, doesn't seem to be a big hindrance, right?
Moreover, they should have already thought of it!

"Mo Li!" Qinglong called softly, Di Moli got up and walked in front of Qinglong, blinking his eyes at Qinglong.

"Wow! Don't take my feathers, don't!" Eight-winged Pegasus wailed suddenly, blocking what Qinglong was going to say, and several people turned their heads to look over.

Di Moqi lay on the back of the Eight-winged Pegasus, tightly grasping the feathers on the wings of the Eight-winged Pegasus, and the Eight-winged Pegasus seemed to be frozen, and turned to look at Di Moqi, not daring to move.

Qinglong and the others sighed helplessly. Di Moqi has completely inherited Zimeng's character, and he loves to mess around so much.

"Your mother shaved off my feathers before. They grew out with great difficulty, but you came to pluck them out again. I have no grievances with you. Why do you treat me like this?"

Eight-winged Pegasus howled wanting to cry without tears, Di Moli blinked, walked over, reached out and pulled Ladi Moqi's clothes, Di Moqi turned to look at Di Moli.

"Let go." Di Moli didn't have any extra words, just such a short three words, although Di Moqi was very dissatisfied, she obediently gave her hand.

Di Moli stretched out his hand to Di Moqi, and Di Moqi obediently put her hand on Di Moli's hand, and got off the Eight-winged Pegasus's back.

The eight-winged Pegasus saw that the feathers on its wings had been preserved, and immediately fell powerlessly to the ground.

Qilin and Mu Xi looked at the Eight-winged Pegasus with disdain when they opened their eyes. The Eight-winged Pegasus used to be arrogant, but now it has completely changed.

In front of Zimeng and Di Moqi, in order to keep her feathers, she lost all dignity!

Di Moli pulled Di Moqi to the front of Qinglong, and looked at Qinglong together.

"Your father and mother went out to relax, and they may not come back for a long time. You two will stay with us in the future, is it okay?"

Qinglong looked at the two children, and spoke very seriously. After the two children listened to Qinglong's words, they looked at the other people who were staring at them worriedly, and then looked at each other.

"It's okay, I will take care of Mo Qi." Di Moli spoke quietly for a while, but Di Moqi pouted aggrievedly.

Obviously, she really wanted to hang out with Zimeng and the others, but Zimeng didn't take her with her, it was too much!
"Afterwards, we will take you out to play." Seeing Di Moqi's aggrieved look, Suzaku hastily knelt down in front of her, and softly comforted her.

"But, we went out to play, father and mother are not here!" Di Moqi lowered his head aggrieved, Suzaku turned his head hastily, and looked at Qinglong very anxiously.

"My brother is not here, and my mother is in a bad mood. After a while, my mother will come back. Let's go see my brother together." Di Moli said seriously while holding Di Moqi's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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