Chapter 2088 More and more black-bellied

Zi Meng sat there watching Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo handed the grilled fish to Zi Meng, Zi Meng took the fish and didn't eat it, but stared at the fish in a daze.

Di Yuanmo didn't hear Zi Meng's movement, so he turned his head to look over.

"What are you thinking? If you don't eat it, you will be cold!" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and opened his mouth softly, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, don't you want to eat?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuan Mo's empty hand and opened his mouth softly, Di Yuan Mo smiled.

"I'll just watch you eat." Di Yuanmo's gentle look made Zimeng lose his mind for a moment, but she soon came to her senses and smiled at Di Yuanmo.

In fact, according to Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo's current strength, it is very common not to eat for a few months. The reason why Di Yuanmo has always prepared food for Zi Meng.

It's because Zimeng is used to eating food made by Di Yuanmo, and she just wanted to satisfy her appetite. Seeing Zimeng's delicious food, Di Yuanmo was already very satisfied.

After Zi Meng finished eating, she looked at Di Yuanmo. Earlier, Di Yuanmo asked her what her plans were, but Zi Meng really had no plans.

Before, Zimeng hated the constant troubles. She always felt that with these troubles, she would not be able to stay with Di Yuanmo properly.

But now, the troubles are gone, and Zimeng finds it boring.

Di Yuanmo took out the water-soaked silk handkerchief and wiped the oil stains from the corners of Zimeng's mouth, then wiped her hands, and pulled her up.

After the two of them looked around, they looked at each other, without any words, they knew what the other was thinking, and left here first.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were walking, thinking about where they were going next. After walking for a while, Zi Meng stopped suddenly, and Di Yuanmo turned to look at her.


"Yuan, shall we go to the God Realm?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo excitedly, and Di Yuanmo raised his eyebrows.

Not long after they came back from God Realm, why is Zimeng thinking about going to God Realm again?There is nothing wrong with God Realm now, is it?

Moreover, with the rules set by Zi Meng, the gods of the God Realm cannot come out casually. Although they are still a little dissatisfied, they still obey the rules.

"Go to God Realm? Is there something you didn't do?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng in confusion, and Zi Meng scratched his head lightly and looked at Di Yuanmo.

In fact, it wasn't because there was nothing to do in the God Realm, but because Zi Meng wanted to see Di Mofan. Di Mofan was alone in the God Realm, and Zi Meng was worried that he would take good care of herself.

"I see, are you worried about Mo Fan?" Looking at Zi Meng's appearance, Di Yuanmo had already guessed it. Di Yuanmo was right, and Zi Meng could only smile.

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo anxiously, waiting for Di Yuanmo's answer.

Di Yuanmo just looked down at Zi Meng, and Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo without moving. Di Yuanmo looked at her like this, Zi Meng didn't know Di Yuanmo's plan at all!
"Since you don't trust him, let's go and have a look. Anyway, it's very easy for us to go to the God Realm now. If you want to go, we will go there."

Looking at Zi Meng's appearance, Di Yuanmo couldn't help laughing. Zi Meng was relieved when he saw Di Yuanmo's appearance, and at the same time looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly.

Di Yuanmo looked at her seriously, and she thought that Di Yuanmo didn't want her to go to the God Realm to see Di Mofan, which frightened her so much that her little heart was beating like a pounding!
This guy is really getting darker!
(End of this chapter)

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