Chapter 2091 Responsibilities (2)

"Father, mother, I know you won't blame me, but I still feel sorry for you." Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo apologetically. After they looked at each other, they smiled at Di Mofan. smiled.

"Mo Fan, have you always lived here?" Zi Meng looked around, observed the environment here, then turned to look at Di Mofan, distracting Di Mofan's self-blaming attention.

The environment here is not bad. If you have nothing to do, you can live here very comfortably.

"That's not true. I usually run around and rarely stop. Unless I am free, I will find a quiet place to rest for a while."

Di Mofan shook his head lightly, this is just a place for him to rest temporarily, and he has been busy dealing with those gods who have made mistakes, so he doesn't have much time to rest.

"The environment here is good, but it can be used as a place for us to take a leisurely vacation, Yuan, what do you think?" Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Di Yuanmo nodded, and Di Mofan was a little surprised He looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng.

If Zimeng and Di Yuanmo come here for a few days if they have nothing to do, then he can see them often.

Seeing Di Mofan's surprise, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo both laughed, Di Mofan looked at them and blushed with embarrassment.

Before, he had never shown his emotions, but in front of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, he seemed to be unable to control them!

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about." Zi Meng patted Di Mofan's shoulder lightly, and Di Mofan smiled.

Di Yuanmo prepared a lot of food for Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo. Although Di Mofan seldom ate, these foods were made by Di Yuanmo, and he enjoyed sitting with Zi Meng.

Just after eating, Di Mofan stood up suddenly, frowned and looked in an unknown direction, Zimeng and the others looked at Di Mofan puzzled.

It was fine just now, what's wrong now?
"Father, mother, you rest here now, I want to go out!" Di Mofan said suddenly, before Zimeng and the others could speak, Di Mofan disappeared.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other, and they both saw puzzlement in each other's eyes, wondering if something happened to Di Mofan who left in a hurry.

"Yuan, should we follow and have a look?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly, and Di Yuanmo shook his head slightly.

He knew that Zimeng was worried about Di Mofan's safety, but Di Mofan had his own affairs to attend to, so even if they were worried, there was nothing they could do to help.

There are some things that he has to solve by himself.

"But, if we don't go and have a look, what if Mo Fan has something wrong?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo anxiously, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng helplessly.

Zimeng just loves to worry, seeing her like this, in the future, when these children get married, I'm afraid she won't be at ease!
"An Xin wait here for Mo Fan to come back, after he comes back, ask him what happened." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

The two stopped talking and waited quietly. After waiting for a long time, they felt the fluctuation of the space. Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked over and Di Mofan came out of the space.

Seeing the blood stains on his body, Zi Meng walked over worriedly, and looked at him all over.

(End of this chapter)

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