Chapter 2102 Ziyao Night Extra Story (5)

"Mo Qi? What's wrong with you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Qi puzzled, and Di Mo Qi looked at her, terribly wronged, threw herself into Zi Meng's arms, and burst into tears.

Di Yuanmo sighed, and after Zimeng was stunned for a moment, he patted Di Moqi's back lightly, but didn't comfort her, letting her cry.

And Youque Mengmeng stopped on the table, Di Yuanmo poured some tea into a shallow cup and pushed it in front of Mengmeng, Mengmeng took a few sips, and the whole bird lay powerlessly on the table.

"Mo Qi? Are you alright?" Di Moqi came out of Zi Meng's arms and wiped away her tears viciously. Zi Meng looked at her worriedly.

"Mother, I'm fine. From now on, I will practice hard and never go out to cause trouble again." Di Moqi looked at Zi Meng pitifully, and Zi Meng sighed.

In fact, she didn't want Di Moqi to become like Di Moli, who practiced at every turn and didn't have time to go out to play at all.

Di Moqi often goes out to cause trouble like this, but Zimeng thinks that she is a normal child.

However, she actually said now that she will not go out in the future and should practice hard, which made Zimeng a little worried.

"Mo Qi, you don't need to do this. What's wrong, tell us, there's nothing we can't solve." Zi Meng looked at Di Moqi very seriously, and Di Moqi shook his head lightly.

She didn't intend to tell Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo about this matter, anyway, it's over, no matter what, she won't worry Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo because of this matter.

"It's really all right, mother. I'm a little tired. I'll go back and rest first." Di Moqi smiled at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo. Moe, go back to your room.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at her leaving figure and looked at each other worriedly. They both saw doubts in each other's eyes. They didn't know what happened to Di Moqi all of a sudden, but they also knew that this matter must be It has something to do with Zi Yao Ye.

"Do you want to ask Zi Yaoye?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who gently rubbed Zi Meng's head.

If you ask Zi Yaoye about this matter, you won't be able to find out why, right?Why don't we ask about the situation after Di Moqi's mood improves?

"Let's wait until Mo Qi's mood is better?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and spoke softly. Zi Meng thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

In the next few days, Di Moqi might really not plan to go out, not only did she not go out, she even didn't come out when eating, which made Zimeng very worried.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng worried, and naturally he wouldn't be so relaxed, so after a few days of silence, Di Yuanmo decided not to wait for Di Moqi's mood to improve, but to go directly to Zi Yaoye to ask Condition.

At this time, Zi Yaoye was restless in his own palace. Before, although Di Moqi often came to trouble him, he often caused troubles for him and gave him headaches.

But, Di Moqi didn't come, Zi Yaoye seemed to feel that something was missing, no matter what she did, she felt uncomfortable!
"Has Mo Qi come today?" Zi Yaoye looked at his subordinates and shook their heads.

In the past few days, Di Moqi didn't show up, and it was clear that Zi Yaoye had hurt his heart, that's why she didn't come.

Zi Yaoye looked at her subordinates looking at her with disdain, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Zi Yaoye looked at them coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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