Chapter 259

"But, Zimeng, have you really not seen my brother?" Dugu Mingxue's innocent gaze and innocent voice made Zimeng fall to the ground with a thud.

Dugu Mingxue looked down at the loveless Zimeng, tilting her head innocently, she was just telling the truth, why did Zimeng look like this?
"I think we'd better go. After a while, if he gets angry with you, it will definitely be the two of us." Bei Liwan stepped forward and pulled Dugu Mingxue's clothes away.

Dugu Mingxue opened her mouth to say something more, but seeing Zimeng's appearance, she swallowed her words obediently, and followed Bei Liwan after three steps.

"Get up, they've already left." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"No, I decided to just die like this." Zi Meng lay there motionless with her eyes closed, muttering, Di Yuanmo laughed.

"Master, if you don't get up again, it won't be you who died, but me. It's so heavy, I'm going to lose my breath!" Lucky wailed under Zi Meng's body, and Zi Meng hurriedly got up.

Lucky was about to be crushed by her, she sat there embarrassed and scratched her head.

Lucky got up from the ground, still a little dizzy from being crushed, staggered from side to side, thumped, and fell to the ground again.

Seeing the lucky look, Zi Meng couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng smiling happily, and the corner of his mouth also raised a smile, but thinking of Zimeng's mood of wanting to see a beautiful boy, his smile gradually disappeared.

Zimeng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who seemed a little lonely.

"What's wrong with you?" Zi Meng stood up from the ground, patted the dust off her body, and walked to Di Yuanmo's side.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, you seem to like beautiful men very much?" Di Yuanmo looked up at Zi Meng, who blinked and nodded seriously.

This is her only hobby, so there is nothing to hide, right?

What's more, it was Di Yuanmo who asked, so she had no reason to hide anything, anyway, Di Yuanmo already knew about it.

"I thought I was already very beautiful. Don't you think there is anyone more beautiful than me?" Di Yuanmo touched his face with a serious look, making Zimeng open her small mouth and look at her in surprise. with him.

Looking at Zimeng's appearance, Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, and unexpectedly said such words in a moment of carelessness.

"No fever? What's the matter? Why are you talking nonsense?" Zi Meng stepped forward, put her little hand on Di Yuanmo's forehead, and touched her forehead with the other hand.

The temperature of Zimeng's little hand was transmitted to Di Yuanmo, which made Di Yuanmo's heart tremble slightly, but he dared not make any moves.


"Master Guoshi, are you okay? Why did you start talking nonsense? Or are you not Di Yuanmo at all, and you pretended to be him to lie to me?"

Zi Meng didn't notice Di Yuanmo's expression, she held her chin like a ninja, thinking about something.

Di Yuanmo's eyebrows twitched slightly, he turned around, and wanted to leave, Zimeng reacted.

"Hey, I'm joking, you won't take it seriously, will you?" Zi Meng hurried forward and stopped Di Yuanmo, who sighed.

"Go see your beautiful boy, anyway, I'm talking nonsense." Di Yuanmo's tone seemed a little awkward, which made Zimeng's eyes light up.

"Di Yuanmo..." Zi Meng squatted in front of Di Yuanmo, staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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