Chapter 295 Have Confidence in Her
"Looking at you, you seem to be very tired. There is nothing to do right now. You can rest for a while. I will call you before the game starts tomorrow."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng distressedly, Zimeng nodded weakly, lay down, closed his eyes, and soon there was the sound of even breathing.

After Zimeng fell asleep, Di Yuanmo and the others walked out quietly.

"I'll leave my good apprentice to your care. I have to watch the results of the competition." Tang Jingcheng sighed and left in a hurry.

Di Yuanmo sat there without speaking, frowning, quietly looking at the room where Zi Meng was resting.

Seeing Di Yuanmo like this, Leng Nan and the others didn't dare to speak, and stayed away, waiting for Di Yuanmo's orders.

Lucky lay beside the bed, looking at Zimeng pitifully. Since coming here, Zimeng seems to have been hurt several times.

It was already thinking, should it restore its strength as soon as possible and send Zimeng back, but even if it sent her back, it would be useless, right?

Zimeng's former world has ruled out her existence, and she is just an outsider when she goes back.

He took out the divine spring water, carefully poured a drop into Zimeng's mouth, and then, it lay obediently on the side, accompanying Zimeng.

When she woke up, apart from her eyes being a little uncomfortable, there was nothing wrong with Zimeng.

"Miss Zimeng, are you really alright?" Yu Zhu looked at Zimeng who was eating happily, but was still a little worried.

Her master didn't sleep last night, and has been waiting here for Zimeng to wake up. If Zimeng's body hasn't recovered, wouldn't her master feel distressed to death?

"Are you okay? It was just an accident yesterday." Zimeng chuckled.

"Accident?" Di Yuanmo raised his eyebrows lightly, and Zi Meng blinked at him, as if it wasn't an accident, right?
"No, no, no, it's not an accident, but it's really all right. As long as you rest well, nothing will happen. Look, do I look like I have something to do now?"

Zimeng got up, turned around, looked at them, then staggered and almost fell, Yuzhu hurried forward to support her.

"Miss Zimeng, are you okay?" Yu Zhu looked at Zimeng helplessly, and Zimeng burst out laughing.

"I'm lying to you, I'm really fine." A sly light flashed across Zimeng's face, Di Yuanmo shook his head, seeing how active she was, and how she was joking with Yuzhu, she must be fine.

After eating and drinking enough, Zimeng left first. Today's game will be outside the stadium, and there will be many people watching. Moreover, Tang Jingcheng must have been waiting, so she has to hurry over.

"Good apprentice, can you continue the game?" Tang Jingcheng looked at Zimeng worriedly, and Zimeng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Seeing her alive and kicking here, what could be wrong?Can these people have some confidence in her?
"I'll go first, you can think about it here." Zi Meng said, walking leisurely to the resting place of the players.

Fu Zijin was already waiting there with a book in his hand. When he saw Zimeng, he smiled.

Yesterday when I heard that she passed out after going out from the arena, Fu Zijin was relieved to see that she was fine now, he really wanted to compete with Zimeng.

"How long do we have to wait? It's so boring!" After waiting for a while, Zimeng felt a little bored. Sitting next to Fu Zijin, she couldn't help complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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