Chapter 312 The pill is gone
Those who had refined the elixirs stood not far away, watching Zi Meng's continuous increase in spiritual power input, all of them seemed to be watching the show.

Of course, among the people watching the show, there was a very worried Fu Zijin.

When refining the elixir, at the last moment, the spiritual power must not be too strong, otherwise it will definitely fail, but Zi Meng is running in the opposite direction.

"It's time!" The officer's voice came, and all the people who hadn't refined it successfully withdrew their hands in disappointment. The medicine pill that hadn't been refined was just useless.

Only Zimeng kept moving and continued to send spiritual power. Di Yuanmo sat in his seat and looked at Zimeng with some concern.

Tang Jingcheng was also not at ease. What was anxious was that the fire was burning fiercely. Zimeng did not refine the elixir, so he could only withdraw from the competition. However, looking at her now, something seemed wrong.

"Girl, the time is up, I advise you to give up, don't waste time." Someone really couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded Zimeng.

Zimeng didn't seem to hear it, not only that, from the time she increased her spiritual power input, Zimeng was surrounded by silence, there was no sound, only herself.

"I said you..." Seeing that Zimeng was ignoring her, the man stepped forward, ready to pull Zimeng aside.

"Oops!" Zimeng withdrew her hand abruptly, and moved backwards. While moving, she reached out and grabbed the collar of the person who was talking to her.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!" The man struggled in Zimeng's hand, but Zimeng couldn't catch him for a moment and threw him out.

At this moment, Zimeng's pill furnace exploded with a bang, the smoke dispersed, and the fragments of the pill furnace were rushed to the surroundings by the impact of the explosion.

Before Zimeng could dodge in time, a piece of debris slid across Zimeng's cheek, taking away a few strands of her hair.

Zi Meng looked at the smoke and frowned. In the past, when the pill furnace exploded, there was always black smoke. Why this time, it was white smoke?

For a while, Zi Meng didn't dare to approach at will. When the smoke gradually cleared, Zi Meng found a small pill lying among the debris on the ground.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and froze there. What's going on?

She wasted so much spiritual power and wasted so much time to refine such a elixir, and it's still so small?
It's completely different from the past, isn't it?

Not only Zimeng, but even those participating in the competition behind her were stunned when they saw the elixir, but soon burst into roars of laughter.

Zimeng was not angry either, at the moment when the pill furnace exploded, it was a good thing that it was refined, it was better than nothing, right?
Zimeng raised her foot and walked over, ready to pick up the pill, but just as she bent down, the pill moved.

Zi Meng blinked her eyes while keeping her bending over. Just now, was her eyes dazzled?To see a pill moving?
When she looked carefully, the elixir was still there, she was relieved, it was really her eyes that were dazzled.

When her hand was about to touch the elixir, the elixir suddenly disappeared from her hands.

Zi Meng was stunned again, her movements were still fixed there, her eyes were full of disbelief, what's going on?

What about the elixir she made?
Why is it gone?It was clearly there just now, why did it suddenly disappear?But no one else came over?If it is taken away by others, she cannot fail to see it! !
(End of this chapter)

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