Chapter 339
Lucky shook his head, he didn't know where Suzaku and White Tiger were.

However, Zimeng didn't respond now, so Suzaku and Baihu should not have been contracted yet.

"I remember, the Dongyang family should have one, right? It seems to be a white tiger, but I don't seem to have heard that anyone in the Dongyang family has contracted a white tiger."

Di Yuanmo continued to pick up vegetables for Zimeng, but Zimeng blinked. There was no contract, which could only explain that the Dongyang family's character was too bad, and Baihu looked down on them.

"However, if they don't make a contract with Baihu, wouldn't it mean we won't be able to find Baihu's position?" Zi Meng bit her chopsticks and fell into deep thought.

"I arranged for someone to look for it, but there is something I want to ask you." Di Yuanmo suddenly raised his head and looked at Zi Meng seriously, and Zi Meng also looked at Di Yuanmo.

"I remember, Qinglong killed Dongyanglian and the others, where is the body?"

"Corpse? Eaten by vines? I think it should be digested by now? Even if it is not digested, the remaining things should be unreadable." Zi Meng touched her chin, very serious thinking.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng in a daze. Although he saw those vines swallowing the two of them at the time, it was not good to digest them directly, right?

"Is there any problem?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo in puzzlement. He had already been digested. Did Di Yuanmo want her to send the body back?

"No, it's nothing, it's just that the people of the Dongyang family want to return Dongyanglian's body." Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng, who raised her eyebrows.

Want a corpse?
Seems a bit difficult, right?

"This, why don't I see if it's been digested? But, I think it's been so long, it should be gone."

As Zi Meng said, she took out a seed and was about to throw it out, but was stopped by Di Yuanmo.

"Don't bother, it's gone if it's gone, it's not something important." Di Yuanmo continued to pick up vegetables for Zi Meng, and Zi Meng put away the seeds.

"But, what if someone from the Dongyang family asks you for it?" Lucky stood there, holding the oily chicken leg in his hand, looking at Di Yuanmo.

Zimeng nodded, no matter what, people have already asked him for it, so he can't give nothing, can he?
"I knew it earlier, I should have left the body behind." Zi Meng pouted, a little regretful, Di Yuanmo reached out and patted her head.

"It's okay, it's gone if it's gone, eat quickly." Di Yuanmo didn't let Zimeng think so much, Zimeng gave him a dissatisfied look.

It's easy to say, but is it really okay?
"I said, Di Yuanmo, is it really okay?" Zi Meng rushed into Di Yuanmo's back room in a hurry, and Di Yuanmo, who was changing clothes, froze there.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo's lean chest, and swallowed involuntarily.

Although I have seen it before, but she was treating Di Yuanmo's wounds, so she didn't care much at all, but now, Di Yuanmo is sitting in front of her so naked...

"Have you seen enough? Come in when you've seen enough." Di Yuanmo put on his clothes very calmly, and looked at Zi Meng with a smile.

Zi Meng walked over uncomfortably, looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile on his mouth, and didn't care that Zi Meng saw his body.

"I said, do you care less and less about these things now that you are in front of me?" Zi Meng sat down in front of Di Yuanmo bored.

(End of this chapter)

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