Chapter 349 No mercy
Zimeng looked down at Lucky, then sighed and raised her head, looked at the distance and opened her mouth softly, Lucky took a bite of the snack and didn't speak.

It is still young, so I don't know what Zimeng is trying to express by saying these words. Does she want Di Yuanmo to come to her?Still don't want to?
"Hey, this is not a place for you to come." Zi Meng lowered her head, looked at the high-spirited woman under the tree, and raised her eyebrows slightly. Is this here to find fault?

Since she dared to find fault, it proves that Zi Yaoye acquiesced, right?In this case, it doesn't matter if you kill it, right?
Zimeng's current mood can be said to be really irritable. Since someone came to relieve her pressure, how could she miss this opportunity?
"Didn't you hear what I said? Get out of here!" Seeing Zimeng, the woman ignored her at all, and was going to use strong methods to pull Zimeng down.

Zimeng continued to look down at her, "I'm in a bad mood right now, may I ask, are you looking for death?"

"What are you talking about? Don't forget what kind of place this is. You are the one looking for death, right?"

She pointed at Zimeng, Zimeng smiled faintly, jumped down from the tree, and stood in front of her.

"I think Zi Yaoye allowed you to trouble me, right? And, I think, he also reminded you, as long as you don't let me die, you can do whatever you want, right?"

Zimeng looked at her with a smile, which made her startled for a moment, then she also smiled, it was true, but so what if Zimeng knew?
Today, she must teach this lesson a lesson!
"It seems that I guessed correctly. If this is the case, then, if you die here, he should not say anything, will he?"

Zimeng looked at her, smiling brightly, she was a little shocked, suddenly, she saw Zimeng's head suddenly tilted to one side, with a killing intent in her eyes.

Just when she felt the danger, before she had time to avoid it, Zimeng's attack had already arrived. The green light followed Zimeng's feet and rushed towards her feet, binding her to the ground.

"What did you do?" The originally proud woman felt a little scared when she felt that her feet could not move at all, the fear radiated from the bottom of her heart.

"Actually, I really want to persuade you, stop struggling, it's useless, just die obediently." Zimeng said, stepping forward step by step, approaching her.

"What did you say?"

"As long as I'm alive, as long as my feet are still on the ground, unless your strength is much higher than mine, otherwise, you won't be able to break free."

As Zimeng said, she was already standing in front of her. A vine whip appeared in Zimeng's hand, and the witch watched helplessly as a layer of barbs appeared on the vine whip.

Immediately afterwards, Zi Meng flicked her hand lightly, wrapping the cane whip around her neck without mercy.

Blood spurted from her neck, making Zimeng all over, Zimeng didn't even blink her eyes, watching her die in front of her.

Lucky looked at Zimeng in a daze, it didn't expect Zimeng to kill someone so mercilessly, and the expression on his face didn't change at all.

"Lucky, I'm leaving." Zi Meng's voice was very weak, and Lucky jumped onto Zi Meng's shoulders in a hurry.

Zimeng held the vine whip with one hand, and the other end of the vine whip was still wrapped around the witch's neck.

Zi Meng just pulled the vine whip and walked towards the palace where Zi Yaoye was. Since he sent him there, he had to send him back.

However, Zi Meng didn't know that all her actions were under the watchful eyes of Zi Yaoye.

(End of this chapter)

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