Chapter 353 Live more comfortably

There was a faint smile on the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth, as long as he could stand up, he would be able to walk out and rescue Zi Meng.

After resting for a while, Di Yuanmo stood up again. This time, he fell down before taking any steps.

Yu Zhu and Jun Mojiu just stood in the distance and watched, watching Di Yuanmo fall down again and again, then get up, fall down and get up again!
I don't know how long it took for Di Yuanmo to really stand up. After standing for a long time, Di Yuanmo didn't fall down. Only then did Di Yuanmo slowly take a step. Although he fell down again after only taking two or three steps, but It's finally the first step, isn't it?

Jun Mojiu and Yu Zhu couldn't stand it anymore, so they turned around and left. There was no other way, watching Di Yuanmo fall endlessly, it really hurts!

However, the two of them could only watch helplessly, not daring to stop them, so it was better not to watch if they wanted to leave for the time being.

———The hot little genius doctor——

"Master, look, that..." Lucky looked excitedly at a dangling plant in front of him, Zi Meng's eyes lit up after looking over it.

If there is such a plant that can run, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to fight and chase after others?
"Although I really want to catch it, there is something I want to ask you." Zimeng stopped suddenly when she was about to rush over.

"What's wrong?" Lucky lowered his head and looked at Zimeng.

"This guy, does it have any seeds? I don't think it has any seeds on it, right?" Zi Meng carefully observed the crooked plant in front of him.

Without seeds, what's the use of her catching them?
"Master, it seems that I really didn't see any seeds!" Lucky looked, and looked innocently at Zimeng, who rolled her eyes.

What should she say?Seeing such a beautiful plant, but not being able to get it, is really heartbreaking.

Zi Yaoye followed Zi Meng for a few days, and didn't see any special actions by Zi Meng. Every day, she didn't seem to do much except wandering around and collecting plant seeds.

After a long time, Zi Yaoye lost interest, without Zi Yaoye following her, Zi Meng was more at ease.

Although there are not many plants in the Demon Realm, they are all kinds of weird and weird ones. Many of them are too ugly, and Zi Meng doesn't want them at all.

If it weren't for luck, these plants are very powerful, Zimeng might be ready to ignore them.

Sitting opposite to Zi Yao Ye, Zi Meng ignored him and lowered her head to eat, although these foods were not very tasty to Zi Meng.

But Zimeng wasn't going to be so hungry, and, if it didn't taste good, it didn't taste good, as long as it could fill her stomach.

"Are you really not clear about your current situation?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng's leisurely look, and couldn't bear to lift the table.

Zimeng reached out in time to pick up her food, so she didn't get hurt.

"I know my situation very well. Anyway, I will be killed by you sooner or later. It's better to live more freely now. I won't scare myself."

Zimeng looked at him, found a safe place very calmly, sat down, and continued to eat.

Zi Yaoye's fists were tightly clenched, he really wanted to kill this woman.

However, it is rare to come across such a fun toy, so it seems a pity to just kill it like this!
"What do you mean by looking at me like that?" Zi Meng felt Zi Yaoye's gaze and turned to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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