Chapter 356 Emperor Yuanmo (1)

Moreover, this woman is still a human being, a woman who is only half his height.

Immediately, he wanted to rush over to teach Zimeng a lesson, but, thinking about Zimeng's eyes just now, he was a little timid again.

Seeing Zimeng walking further and further away, he patted his head in annoyance and followed.

"Master, he seems to be frightened by you." Lucky looked at the people behind, and whispered to Zimeng.

"It should only be for a while. Do you think I can scare him? His strength is much higher than mine."

Zimeng rolled her eyes, with such a person following her, she couldn't escape even if she wanted to, couldn't she?trouble!

We must find a way to get rid of this person!
Di Yuanmo, you bastard, when will you save me?
"Ah Choo!" Di Yuanmo, who had just entered the Demon Realm, sneezed violently.

"Could it be that you're not used to it when you first came in? You can actually sneeze?" Jun Mojiu looked at Di Yuanmo and couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you think it's possible? Although I haven't been here for a long time, do you think I won't adapt to the environment here?"

Diyuan Mojiu gave Jun Mojiu a blank look, Jun Mojiu didn't speak, raised his eyebrows, walked in front, looked around, and it was true that he hadn't been here for a long time.

"I don't know where Zimeng is now, she should be fine?" Jun Mojiu said to himself as he walked forward.

Di Yuanmo looked at his back for a long time before he sighed.

His family, Zimeng, seems to be becoming more and more attractive now, and even Jun Mojiu, who is not very interested in women, cares about her.

Di Yuanmo couldn't help but start thinking, in the future, should he just lock Zimeng up?In this way, only he can see it.

In the past few days, Di Yuanmo has been practicing walking every day. Although he can't stand for a long time now, it is still possible to stand for a while.

Moreover, she was really worried about Zimeng, so despite Jun Mojiu's objection, she still came to the Demon Realm.

It's just that, with his body like this, it seems that he really doesn't adapt to the environment here.

However, he is not afraid, as long as he can bring Zimeng back, he doesn't care about anything.

"I said, why don't you go back first, and I'll look for Zimeng first. If we find it, we'll come again? If this continues, your body may really not be able to bear it?"

Jun Mojiu looked at Di Yuanmo's bluish face with some worry, he really didn't expect that the injury on Di Yuanmo's body would have such a big impact on him.

Moreover, this injury was left many years ago.

"I'm fine, let's search separately, this is the Demon Realm, although the area is small, it is still very troublesome to find someone.

Moreover, after so many days, whether Zimeng's body can withstand the devilish energy here is still one thing. "

Di Yuanmo looked around, thinking about which direction to start to find Zi Meng, Jun Mojiu sighed helplessly, turned his head and left.

I've already come here, I'm afraid, it's useless to say anything, right?
Therefore, he should obediently look for it, and find Zimeng as soon as possible, so that they can leave here, otherwise, who knows how long it will take here?

When Di Yuanmo and Jun Mojiu were looking for Zimeng, Zimeng, who was looking for plants, suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked in one direction.

"Master, what's the matter?" Lucky looked down at Zimeng, who shook her head.

She felt that Di Yuanmo seemed to be here, but since Di Yuanmo couldn't move, it shouldn't be possible for him to come here, right?

(End of this chapter)

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