Chapter 363 Emperor Yuanmo (8)

Jun Mojiu turned his head to look at Zimeng, and couldn't help but sighed. Even Di Yuanmo could have heard Zimeng's words clearly, right?
Now, Di Yuanmo didn't speak, and he didn't seem to be able to say anything.

"Master..." Lucky stretched out his paws and hugged Zimeng's face. Zimeng reached out and patted it on the head.

"It's okay, it's just that I want to calm down for a while, don't worry, let's go out first!" Zimeng said, walking a few steps quickly to keep up with Jun Mojiu and the others.

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, looked at his legs, and didn't speak. The atmosphere between the three of them and the mouse was very tense, as if something invisible flashed by.

"By the way, Zimeng, I saw what you used to make those people fall down. What kind of trick is it? Teach me?"

Jun Mojiu coughed lightly, looked at Zimeng, and let everyone put down what they were thinking at the moment.

"It is inherited from my family and cannot be leaked. However, if you want to try it, I can use it on you so that you can feel it."

Zimeng looked at Jun Mojiu with a smile, and Jun Mojiu couldn't help shivering.

If you use it on him, will he also fall down like those people before?
In this way, can he continue on his way?

"I think it's better to forget it. Let him pass out now. We have to carry him out. It's too heavy."

Di Yuanmo opened his mouth softly, Zi Meng smiled, Jun Mojiu rolled his eyes, the two people's bad taste became more and more serious.

After leaving the Demon Realm, Zimeng wanted to go back to Beili's house, but Di Yuanmo said that he didn't know when Ziyaoye would suddenly appear.

Going back to Beili's house will only put Beili's family in danger. Moreover, Leng Nan's injury is now very serious and needs to be treated by Zimeng.

Therefore, Zi Meng followed Di Yuanmo back to the National Teacher's Mansion again.

"Miss Zimeng, have you returned safely?" Yu Zhu was very excited when she saw Zimeng.

Throwing down the basin of water she was holding in her hand, she rushed to Zimeng, Zimeng looked at the water in the basin, it turned out to be blood, it must be from Leng Nan, right?
"How is Leng Nan's situation?" Zi Meng looked at Yu Zhu, who shook her head.

Di Yuanmo ordered to save Leng Nan's life at all costs, so although Leng Nan is still alive now, it shouldn't be long.

"I'll go and have a look first. If you're worried, you're definitely fine." Zi Meng patted Yu Zhu's shoulder and ran out.

Yu Zhu hurriedly followed and took Zi Meng to Leng Nan's room.

Before entering, Zimeng could already smell a strong smell of blood. If this continues, Leng Nan will only have a dead end. Fortunately, they came back in time.

Beside the bed, two people were doing something differently on Leng Nan's body, Zi Meng frowned slightly.

"Stop, don't continue. His body is too weak to bear your strength. If this continues, he will die faster."

Zi Meng walked over, and in front of them, inserted a few silver needles into Leng Nan's acupuncture points.

Those two people walked aside, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, looked at Zimeng, and then at Yuzhu.

Even if Yu Zhu didn't stop him, it meant that this person must be able to get rid of Leng Nan. After a hard day, they should go back and rest for a while.

Zimeng raised her hand to catch Leng Nan's pulse, the pulse was too slow, as if it would stop at any moment, and, not only that, his body was poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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