Chapter 366 Emperor Yuanmo (11)

"To be honest, I'm now thinking whether my feelings for Di Yuanmo are because he was the first person I met in this place, or because I really like him.

Moreover, I found that I really don't understand him. I don't seem to know what happened to her, what she has experienced, no, I can't say that.

It should be said that I don't know much about him, except that his name is Di Yuanmo and he is the national teacher of Xuexiang Kingdom. "

Zimeng smiled at Jun Mojiu, but in Jun Mojiu's view, it was full of bitterness.

In fact, Jun Mojiu didn't know how to talk to Zi Meng about many things. Di Yuanmo's affairs were too complicated. No matter what others said, it was better for Di Yuanmo to say it himself.

"Don't mind, I'm just talking, you can pretend you didn't hear it." Zi Meng smiled at Jun Mojiu.

"If you can't laugh, stop laughing, why force yourself?" Jun Mojiu reached out and rubbed Zi Meng's head, Zi Meng put away the smile on her face,

"I know, you really want to know about him, but you'd better not know about many things, and don't ask him, those are not good things for Di Yuanmo.

After the experience, remembering it once is a serious injury to him. When he wants to tell you, it means that he has already taken these things lightly.

As for you, it's useless to sit here and struggle. If you want to know something, just ask him directly. He will never hide your question. "

Jun Mojiu got up, and talked to Zi Meng earnestly, Zi Meng looked at Jun Mojiu, Jun Mojiu nodded, turned and left.

At this time, it's better to let them handle it by themselves, so he shouldn't join in, otherwise, he will definitely be beaten to death by Diyuan Motuo!

Zimeng sat for a while, then got up to look for Di Yuanmo, Jun Mojiu was right, if you want to know something, just ask Di Yuanmo directly, why bother here by yourself?
As a result, when they walked into Di Yuanmo's courtyard, the corners of Zi Meng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

She doesn't know how to describe it anymore, it's a mess!Mess!

Di Yuanmo's yard has always been neat and tidy, and what she saw in front of her was completely beyond her expectations!
The surroundings are in chaos, Di Yuanmo sits in the middle of the yard with his head down, Zi Meng can feel the low air pressure around Di Yuanmo without getting close!

His hand seemed to be injured, and blood dripped from his fingers to the ground, forming bloody flowers on the ground.

"I said, do you think your yard is not good and you are going to rebuild it, or do you just hang around here and do self-mutilation?"

Zimeng leaned on the door frame without the door, looking at Di Yuanmo, and hearing her voice, Di Yuanmo turned his head hastily and looked at her.

"Zimeng..." Di Yuanmo was a little surprised, he thought that Zimeng was angry and didn't want to talk to him, but unexpectedly, Zimeng would come to him.

"What are you doing?" Zi Meng walked over and looked at Di Yuanmo's hand.

Di Yuanmo hid his hands in his sleeves, Zi Meng raised his eyebrows, why does this guy look like an awkward child?

"Take it out, let me see, it's already bleeding." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't move, and he hid his hand back again.

"It'll be fine in a while." Di Yuanmo felt a little uncomfortable when he felt Zi Meng's gaze.

Zimeng didn't speak, just stared at Di Yuanmo, there was a rhythm that she kept looking at Di Yuanmo without taking out his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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