Chapter 369 What Happened

"Lucky, what happened to your master?" Yu Zhu turned to look at Lucky.

"I don't know, her atmosphere is always like this today, I dare not approach." Lucky looked at Yu Zhu pitifully, Yu Zhu bent down, let it jump into his hand, and took it to see Leng Nan .

Although Zimeng was in a bad mood, there was still nothing wrong with refining the elixir. Not long after, she went to Leng Nan's room.

After asking Yuzhu to feed Leng Nan the elixir, Zi Meng pricked a few silver needles on Leng Nan's acupuncture points, and she stopped when her face was covered with sweat after working for a long time.

"Miss Zimeng, how is it?" Yu Zhu looked at Zimeng nervously.

"After he wakes up, feed him this elixir, and let him expel the toxins from his body. By the way, during this time, he cannot use his spiritual power."

Zi Meng briefly explained a few words, and then walked out, Yu Zhu looked at Zi Meng's leaving figure, and still felt that Zi Meng had something on her mind.

Knowing that Leng Nan was fine, Yu Zhu didn't worry about anything, so after covering Leng Nan with a quilt, she went to find Zi Meng.

Zimeng was still sitting there in a daze, or thinking about something, but Zimeng didn't respond when Yuzhu came.

"Miss Zimeng, are you worried?" Yu Zhu looked at Zimeng, Zimeng looked up at him, and then continued to meditate.

"What's wrong? Tell me, maybe, I can help you solve it?"

"It's nothing, I'll just think about it myself, don't you want to take care of Leng Nan?" Zi Meng looked at Yu Zhu, who shrugged.

"You said he's fine, and I won't worry about it." Yu Zhu smiled at Zi Meng, who lay powerlessly on the table.

"The relationship between you and Leng Nan has always been good?" Zi Meng just lay on the table and looked at Yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled at Zimeng, she really didn't know how to explain this to Zimeng!

"It's not easy to say, so I don't need to say it. You look embarrassed." Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly.

In fact, it's not that she's gossiping, it's just that she thinks a little too much and her head is a little messed up.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult. Both Leng Nan and I were adopted by the master. It can be said that we have been with the master since we were young.

The master is always taken care of by the two of us, and he doesn't talk much, so usually, Leng Nan and I talk more.

As time goes by, the relationship seems to be getting better, but we often quarrel or something. Sometimes, the master thinks we are annoying, so he will kick us out. "

Yu Zhu said with some nostalgia, but Zi Meng could feel that what Yu Zhu was talking about was the past, not the present.

Could it be that their relationship is not good now?
"Are you talking about the past?" Zi Meng said softly.

"Well, it was a long time ago before coming to Xuexiang Country. After coming to Xuexiang Country, the master changed. Although he had a smile on his face, we couldn't figure out what was in the master's heart. What are you thinking?"

Yuzhu looked up at the sky with some disappointment, Zimeng looked at Yuzhu, she really wanted to know what happened before they came to Xuexiangguo?
Why neither Yuzhu nor Jun Mojiu seemed to want to recall that time.

"May I ask what happened to you before you came to Xuexiang Country?" Zi Meng looked at Yu Zhu cautiously, Yu Zhu was slightly taken aback, lowered her head, and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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