Chapter 383 Cancellation of the Contract
He had probably heard what Qinglong said about what happened. Although he scolded Qinglong, he also knew that scolding was useless now.

"Zimeng, is there really nothing wrong?" Nan Jin Chuyue heard from Zimeng's words that something must have happened.

Although she didn't know what was going on, Xuanwu was unusually serious, and Xuanwu, who was always calm, would actually quarrel with Qinglong.

Things are definitely not small!
"It's okay, don't worry, with Qinglong here, what can happen to me?" Zimeng was still smiling, but the more she smiled, the deeper Xuanwu's frown became.

With Qinglong around, wouldn't Zimeng be in danger anyway?Why can Zimeng still laugh now?

"I will make it clear to the Patriarch of Nanjin's family and terminate the contract with Nanjin's family." Xuanwu's words stunned Nanjin Chuyue and Zimeng.

Terminate the contract with Nan Jin's family?

That is to terminate the contract with Nan Jin Chuyue, how can this be possible?

Zimeng got up abruptly, looked at Xuanwu, "I'm fine now, you don't need to terminate the contract with Chuyue, with Qinglong here, I won't be in danger."

Zi Meng's serious gaze made Xuan Wu stunned, but she didn't say anything, Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Xuan Wu and Zi Meng in disbelief.

She hasn't reacted yet, did Xuanwu just say that he wants to terminate the contract with her?
Or, did she just hear it wrong?

"What's the use of having him?" Xuanwu glared at Qinglong angrily. Qinglong opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't say anything.

Because, this is the truth, he was by Zimeng's side, and Zimeng was arrested, didn't he?

"Zimeng..." Nan Jin Chuyue stood up and walked to Zimeng's side.

"Chuyue, don't say anything. Even if Xuanwu really terminates the contract with you, I won't make a contract with him." Zi Meng looked at Nanjin Chuyue very seriously. Nanjin Chuyue was helpless. What I want to say is not this.

But now, Zi Meng's expression is really a bit scary, Nan Jin Chuchen has already hidden far away.

"Master, you're scaring others." Standing on the table, Luck, who didn't care about his own affairs, ate a snack and looked at Zimeng.

Zi Meng looked down at Lucky, followed Lucky's gaze, and looked at the shivering Nan Jin Chuchen. She took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." Zi Meng smiled at Nan Jin Chuchen, who was still a little scared and didn't dare to go out.

Zimeng is helpless, she really didn't do it on purpose, she was just a little excited for a while, should she be so afraid of her?
She turned her head and looked at Qinglong and Xuanwu viciously, it was all because of them that they scared such a good child like this.

"That's it for this matter, don't talk about it anymore, you are Chuyue's contract beast, just protect them." Zimeng looked at Xuanwu weakly, although Xuanwu was unwilling, he still nodded.

Nan Jin Chuyue lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, Zi Meng looked at her apologetically, it was because of what Xuan Wu said that made Nan Jin Chuyue so depressed, right?
"Chuyue, I'm sorry." Zi Meng looked at Nan Jin Chuyue carefully, and Nan Jin Chuyue raised her head and smiled at Zi Meng.

However, in that smile, there were many things that Zimeng couldn't understand, which made Zimeng feel even more sorry.

"Sister..." Nan Jin Chuchen cautiously walked to Nan Jin Chuyue's side, with a pitiful look, Nan Jin Chuyue hugged him in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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