Chapter 389 What happened

After Zimeng gnawed her fill, she fell asleep and fell asleep. She didn't know she woke up, and told Di Yuanmo and the others that she was fine.

Lucky walked over to Zimeng's side cautiously, and patted the tormented Zimeng's face lightly with his small paws. After confirming that Zimeng was fine, Lucky's tense nerves relaxed, and he also lay on the ground.

"Scared me to death! I don't want to do this kind of thing again!" Lucky said pitifully, and Di Yuanmo looked at it.

He didn't want to do this kind of thing again, the blood that flowed from Zimeng's body had already dyed the carpet under her red, and the bright red hurt Di Yuanmo's eyes.

Di Yuanmo sat there, although he was also tired, but he wanted to watch Zimeng wake up with his own eyes.

"Are you finally awake?" Before Zimeng's side responded, Leng Nan woke up, unusually sober.

"How long have I been lying down?" Leng Nan's hoarse voice came into Yu Zhu's ears, Yu Zhu rolled his eyes and poured him a glass of water.

"For a long time, we all thought that you were going to die. If Miss Zimeng hadn't come back in time, you might not see us now."

Yu Zhu handed the water to Leng Nan, Leng Nan frowned, he seemed to hear Zi Meng's voice in a daze, unexpectedly, she really came back.

"Is my injury all right?" Leng Nan lowered his head and looked at the injury on his body. His injury seemed to be almost healed.

"Miss Zimeng made the elixir for you. As for your injuries, I don't know how she treated them. When I came back from finding the herbal medicine, your breathing and everything were already stable."

After Yu Zhu watched Leng Nan drink the water, he opened his mouth to explain to Leng Nan. Leng Nan sat there with an empty teacup in his hand, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yu Zhu didn't know how to speak, but Leng Nan woke up, which meant that his body was fine. She told Leng Nan what Zi Meng had said, and Leng Nan nodded.

"Yuzhu, Miss Zimeng, you were taken away by Zi Yaoye, right?" Leng Nan looked up at Yuzhu, after Yuzhu nodded, he shook his head again and Leng Nan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"Miss Zimeng was indeed taken away by Ziyaoye, but she was not taken away, she voluntarily followed Ziyaoye to hold our lives."

Yuzhu blamed herself a little. As guards, they should protect their masters. Although Zimeng is not the master of the National Teacher's Mansion, judging from the current situation, it's almost the same, right?
As a result, they not only failed to protect their master, but let the master protect them.

"..." Leng Nan didn't speak, obviously, he had already thought of this result.

Ever since they knew Zimeng, they all knew that Zimeng was not the kind of person who was willing to be protected by them.

Especially, when protecting her means sacrificing other people's lives, she will not agree.

"Where is Miss Zimeng now? I'll go and thank her." Leng Nan said as he was about to get up, Yu Zhu hurriedly stopped him.

"Forget it, master and the others are busy now, don't let anyone disturb you, you should take a good rest first, if you don't want to rest, practice quickly to get rid of the residual poison in your body.

When Ms. Zimeng and the others finish their work, they will definitely come to you, but, Leng Nan, what happened to you?To be injured so seriously, your strength is not weak, is it? "

Yu Zhu sat down beside Leng Nan's bed, and looked at the preoccupied Leng Nan very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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