Chapter 393 Different Treatment Methods

Zimeng's mouth was full of smiles, and Di Yuanmo also smiled. Zimeng was able to smile so happily, and Diyuanmo felt that he was also in a good mood.

"I should have absorbed a lot of your spiritual power, right? Are you okay?" Zi Meng walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who shook his head.

"It's okay. During this time, you have been bathing me with divine spring water. This consumption of spiritual power is not a problem. Moreover, you absorb more spiritual power from them."

Di Yuanmo smiled, reassuring Zimeng, Zimeng nodded, that's good.

However, looking at Di Yuanmo's face, there was no change. Perhaps, Di Yuanmo was really fine.

"Master, Miss Zimeng, Leng Nan has woken up." Yu Zhu, who came over to look at her thoughts, saw Di Yuanmo and Zimeng had come out of the room, and rushed to greet her.

"Are you awake? He really sleeps well, let's go and see?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who nodded, and the three of them walked towards Leng Nan's room together.

When they arrived, Leng Nan was practicing, and Zi Meng and the others didn't bother him, they just waited in the yard.

"Looking at the injuries on his body, it seems that they are almost healed, but how did you do it?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng curiously.

Zi Meng has also treated many people, but Di Yuanmo seems to have no luck to see it with his own eyes. However, seeing the recovery of the people treated by Zi Meng made Di Yuanmo more and more curious.

"How did you do it?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo eagerly, that innocent little look in his eyes made Di Yuanmo lose his temper instantly.

"The way you save people!" Di Yuanmo was very helpless, and looked at Zimeng fondly.

On the side, Yu Zhu had already held back her laughter and turned her eyes away. I'm afraid Zi Meng is the only one who can make Master Guoshi so helpless?

"Oh, is this what you're talking about? This is something I've always known, but it's a little different from the medical skills here."

Zimeng thought about it, but she didn't know how to explain her medical skills, and she couldn't tell them that she knew it before time travel, right?
"Is there anything different?" Di Yuanmo continued to ask.

"Well, most of the pharmacists here use pills to treat people's diseases, but many diseases cannot be cured by pills.

And what I do is to use this method that many people will not use to solve their illnesses. However, here, many people should not believe my method, right? "

Zimeng didn't know if Di Yuanmo couldn't understand her explanation, but she really didn't know how to explain these two methods!

"Miss Zimeng, what you said seems to make me more and more confused." Yu Zhu scratched her head and looked at Zimeng very embarrassed.

She didn't know that Di Yuan Moming didn't understand, anyway, she didn't understand.

"Although I don't understand very well, it should be similar to what I think, right?" Di Yuanmo stroked his smooth chin and looked at Zimeng, Zimeng smiled.

"Your method of saving people is different from what the pharmacists here know, but I think your method seems to be more useful."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's gaze, very proud, Yuzhu rolled her eyes, her master was finished, seeing his proud look, I really don't know what he was proud of.

Even if Zimeng is great, then Zimeng should be proud, right?Why did she feel that Di Yuanmo was more proud than Zimeng?

(End of this chapter)

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