Chapter 401 Will Qinglong Cry?

It's just that, right now, he's still not sure whether the hot air is coming from Suzaku's body.

"..." Lucky slipped out of the carriage with Dim Sum in his arms, jumped up, stood firmly on Di Yuanmo's lap, raised his head, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"The dim sum is delicious, do you want to eat it?" Lucky raised the dim sum in his hand and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Eat it yourself! But, be careful, we will have to wait a long time before we can go back. After eating, there will be nothing left."

Di Yuanmo looked at Lucky with a smile. Lucky's little hand paused, and he hurriedly retracted his paws. If there was no more snacks, it would have nothing to eat. It's better to save some.

Seeing Lucky's gluttonous appearance, Di Yuanmo found it even more funny. He didn't know if it was his illusion, or Aiwujiwu, but he always felt that Lucky and Zimeng were getting more and more alike.

"The aura on Master's body is really disgusting. Will lucky people have to endure such aura in the future?"

Lucky sat down on Di Yuanmo's lap, ate his snacks, and opened his mouth in dissatisfaction.

In the Shenjing space, it felt this spiritual power, and when Zimeng was practicing, the black spiritual power had already invaded the Shenjing space.

If it hadn't been hiding in the divine spring, it would have died!

"No way, now, this is also Zimeng's power. I think, after she has fully mastered it, she will use it from time to time, right?"

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, and looked seriously at Lucky who looked disgusted with the dark magic that Zimeng was practicing now.

He couldn't help being a little worried. If Zimeng heard what Lucky said, what would happen to Lucky's ending?
Lucky sighed, if this is really the case, then there is no other way, right?Moreover, although it is greedy, it also knows that practicing dark magic is good for Zimeng.

It can only be avoided when Zimeng uses dark magic in the future. Although dark magic is annoying, it is also very powerful. If Zimeng cultivates well, she may be able to save her life in a critical moment!
Lucky kept nibbling on the snacks, and his small eyes kept rolling. Di Yuanmo looked down at it, wanting to ask, what kind of crooked plans does this little mouse have.

"Hahaha! Qinglong is in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, feeling those dark spiritual powers, he must cry, hahaha!!"

Lucky laughed suddenly, imagining in his mind the appearance of Qinglong crying nonstop surrounded by dark spiritual power in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars.

Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, what would Qinglong do if he cried?He doesn't seem to have seen it!Besides, would Qinglong really cry?
Although it thought so, it didn't know that Qinglong wasn't affected at all.

Zi Meng has just started to cultivate the dark spiritual power, so she is not very active in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars. Although she will slip past Qinglong from time to time, it will not affect Qinglong.

Moreover, Qinglong also knew that Zimeng had already started to practice dark magic. From now on, he would have to deal with dark spiritual power every day, so he had to get used to it.

As for Mu Xi, Qinglong couldn't understand his attributes at all, because he couldn't see through it, and said he was of the wood type, because he knew how to grow herbs.

However, except when Zimeng hadn't refined the dark-type spiritual power at the beginning, he said it was scary, after that, it seemed like he didn't feel anything.

When Qinglong was getting used to it, he had happily started sorting out his herbs that disappeared and suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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