Chapter 405 Wrong decision

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's complexion getting worse and worse, looked at her puzzledly, and then at the Eight-winged Pegasus, not knowing what was going on!

"I said, what does that contempt in your eyes mean?" Zi Meng stared at the Eight-winged Pegasus viciously. As a result, the Eight-winged Pegasus snorted and turned her head, ignoring Zi Meng's appearance at all.

The corner of Zi Meng's mouth twitched abruptly, then, taking a deep breath, she looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile.

As a result, the Eight-winged Pegasus seemed to be going against Zimeng, using its long face to rub against Di Yuanmo's face, as if trying to curry favor with Di Yuanmo.

And Di Yuanmo also patted the Eight-winged Pegasus on the head with a smile, which made the smile on Zimeng's face even brighter.

"Can you step aside for a moment? I think the Eight-winged Pegasus and I are so destined, so. Can I have a private chat with it?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo sweetly, Di Yuanmo couldn't stand her eyes at all!
So, without further ado, he took control of the wheelchair and walked quickly. Yu Zhu and the others saw that Di Yuanmo had gone, and they left with him.

"Hmph, I have nothing to talk to you about, my lord, magicians of the dark department are the dirtiest!"

The eight-winged Pegasus spouted words, glanced at Zimeng disdainfully, and then raised its proud head.

For its disdain, Zi Meng didn't seem to care at all, and the smile on her face didn't disappear either!
"Ah, it would be even better if I could speak human language. In this way, I would be left with a lot of trouble, wouldn't I?" Zimeng walked over with a smile on her face, Eight Winged Pegasus looked at her, raised her head, and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

That haughty and arrogant appearance caused countless blood-red crosses to appear on Zimeng's forehead, but even so, the smile on her face did not stop.

"Looking at you, it seems that you look down on magicians of the dark system?" Zimeng stood not very close to it, looking up at it.

"That's natural, I'm a noble light!" The eight-winged celestial horse's snarling appearance made Zimeng want to punch it out!

"Oh, the noble light department? But, I really want to remind you now, the noble light department big white horse..."

"What? The big white horse? You are the big white horse!" The eight-winged heavenly horse yelled at her unhappily when Zimeng said it was a big white horse.

"You are a big white horse, and your whole family is a big white horse!" Not to be outdone, Zi Meng turned her head, did not look at it, and flapped its wings angrily, wishing to send Zi Meng flying!

"Aren't you a horse? But, I see that you look like a horse, except for a few more wings on your body.

And, let me remind you, as a noble light-type you, after a while, you will pull me, a wicked dark-type magician. "

At this time, Zimeng seemed to be more shy than the Eight-winged Pegasus, and Di Yuanmo in the distance lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

What he should have thought of, since ancient times, the light system and the dark system are incompatible!
In the end, he actually forgot that Zimeng and Eight-winged Pegasus, one is a dark type, the other is a light type, they are together, they are not ready to fight!
If this really broke out, who should he help?Bang Zimeng or Eight Winged Pegasus?

"Master, I think you made a very wrong decision. If they really fight, can you persuade them?" Yu Zhu hit Di Yuanmo without saving face, and Di Yuanmo glared at her. .

(End of this chapter)

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