Chapter 425 Troublesome and Dangerous
Although he said so, Qinglong had already made a decision in his heart. After returning, he must teach Zimeng a lesson.

Anyway, Zimeng is also his master, this kind of dress is really too bold!

"Master used to wear clothes like this. Maybe it's because she thinks it's more convenient to fight?" Lucky, who was lying on Qinglong's shoulder, looked at Zimeng and said softly.

Qinglong frowned, he really didn't know how Zimeng lived in the past, to wear such clothes.

"Beili Zimeng, I don't care who you are, but you killed my daughter. In the end, you didn't even leave the body. I must avenge her."

As Patriarch Dongyang said, the power of the attack couldn't help but increase. Zi Meng waved his hand, and a row of trees grew rapidly in front of Zi Meng's eyes, resisting the power of the wind blade.

However, there is an essential difference in their strength.

Zi Meng is just a rookie who has just started practicing, while the Patriarch has been practicing for decades, so Zi Meng's tree was shattered by the wind blade.

Zi Meng looked down at the plant fragments on the ground, and frowned dissatisfiedly. Didn't they say that trees can block the wind?It can even prevent desertification of the land, why is her tree so fragile?
However, since it is not possible to use trees, then use fire. Isn't the wind to help the fire?
Zimeng smiled, a layer of flames rose all over her body, Patriarch Dongyang frowned, he didn't expect Zimeng to be a multi-line magician.

However, he didn't feel that he was any worse than Zimeng, so before Zimeng could react, he used his wind magic for free.

Zi Meng didn't dodge or evade, she rushed over directly, wrapped in wind magic, Zi Meng only felt that the air around her was gradually decreasing, but her footsteps didn't stop.

The surrounding flames continued to rise, and after a while, perhaps because of the lack of oxygen, the flames gradually weakened.

"Is that so?" Zi Meng lowered her head, looking at the layer of flames that only covered her body, a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

Patriarch Dongyang looked at Zimeng, who was wrapped in his magic but became more and more calm, and had a bad feeling.

Soon, his premonition became a reality, and Zimeng's hand slowly approached the wind magic that wrapped her around her.

This kind of wind is far from the whirlwind that took her away before. At that time, she was not dead. How could something happen this time?
The flame on Zimeng's body disappeared, and a layer of black aura slowly covered Zimeng's body, like armor, and then she rushed out without hesitation.

Feeling the disgusting aura, Patriarch Dongyang saw that Zi Meng had broken free from his magic, and then, flames flashed from Zi Meng's hand, and Zi Meng was directly pushed into the wind magic by Zi Meng.

With the addition of wind magic, the flame rushed into the sky, and followed the wind magic to burn towards Patriarch Dongyang. Patriarch Dongyang hurriedly stopped, the flame stopped in front of him, and then gradually disappeared.

"It's a pity, your speed is not slow!" Zi Meng withdrew her hand very calmly, looking at Patriarch Dongyang.

Patriarch Dongyang looked at Zimeng panting, always felt that fighting Zimeng would be troublesome and dangerous.

Zimeng's attack was completely different from others, and Patriarch Dongyang had no way of predicting Zimeng's attack in advance.

Every time, by the time he reacted, Zimeng had switched to other attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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