Chapter 433 Clothes are too cumbersome

"Okay, don't be so pitiful, you like it so much, I won't burn it for you, but don't wear it out casually, otherwise, I think I will do it, you know?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng very seriously, and Zimeng nodded like an obedient cat.

If you can't wear it out casually, then you can wear it out secretly. As long as Di Yuanmo doesn't find out, everything will be fine!
"Don't think about sneaking out, really, what are you thinking about in your little head?" Di Yuanmo reached out and patted her on the head.

If Zi Meng really dressed like this, how could Di Yuanmo not know?This girl, think too simple, right?
Zimeng laughed, and if she was discovered, there was nothing she could do!

"No, no, in the future, I will never wear it casually." Zi Meng rubbed his head in Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a happy mood.

Standing up with Zimeng in his arms, Zimeng was so scared that he hugged his neck tightly, for fear that Di Yuanmo would throw her off!

However, maybe it was the result of training, or maybe it was because Di Yuanmo didn't want Zimeng to get hurt. The distance from the wheelchair to the bed, Di Yuanmo walked very steadily, and put Zimeng gently on the bed, and Di Yuanmo was also in her Lie down on your side.

Zi Meng's face turned red immediately, and then rolled on the bed, trying to stay away from Di Yuanmo.

However, Di Yuanmo's big hand grabbed her back into his arms.

"Take a good rest for a while. Afterwards, you will go to Asura Gate. The journey will definitely be very hard. By then, you will not be able to take a good rest."

Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's small face, Zi Meng nodded, not caring whether he was lying with Di Yuanmo, rubbed against Di Yuanmo's arms, and closed his eyes.

With the familiar smell and temperature, Zi Meng soon fell asleep. Di Yuanmo supported his head with one hand, and looked down at Zi Meng who was already asleep.

Di Yuanmo's mouth couldn't help but twitched with his unusually peaceful sleeping face.

In the past, his heart was empty, and he never knew what he wanted. Now, with Zimeng here, it seems that there is nothing missing, and everything is so perfect.

Even his empty heart seemed to be filled by Zi Meng.

When Zimeng woke up, Di Yuanmo had already gone out, and there were two sets of clothes reserved for Zimeng on the table.

Zimeng put on her clothes, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, the clothes are very suitable for her, very simple, and it will be much more convenient to fight in this clothes.

Thinking about Zimeng, she laughed. I'm afraid, it's because Di Yuanmo was afraid that she would wear the same leather dress again, right?

But, forget it, anyway, Zimeng also figured it out, this place is not the same as before, wearing that kind of clothes to go out, I'm afraid it will make people laugh.

Moreover, although she likes beautiful men very much, Zi Meng would also find it very annoying to be stared at by men with that kind of gaze.

After she is free, she has to design a suit of clothes suitable for fighting. The clothes here are floor-sweeping skirts and long sleeves, which are not suitable for fighting at all.

Zimeng really couldn't figure it out, people here use magic or something, and wearing such cumbersome clothes, wouldn't it be a nuisance?

What if someone casts fire magic and accidentally ignites his sleeve or skirt?
What kind of thing is it that you set yourself on fire before knocking down the enemy?Thinking about it, Zimeng doesn't like the clothes here even more.

She started a fight, but she didn't care about anything. Others wouldn't point her out, but she wasn't sure.

(End of this chapter)

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