Chapter 438 A Good Change

Seeing him staring at the little silver needle in his hand, Zimeng said a little funny.

"You gave it to me yourself." Mo Qiran said, walking forward.

Zimeng stood there, looking at Mo Qiran's figure, she really wanted to go straight up and punch him away, this guy is really too arrogant, right?

She used to think that Mo Qiran was a cold, quiet guy, but today, she could see that this guy is not only cold, but also arrogant!

What's going on here?
"Well, Miss Zimeng, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that she would care so much if she was just joking." Yuzhu walked to Zimeng's side under Leng Nan's signal, and apologized to Zimeng aggrievedly.

"Forget it, you didn't know it before, just pay attention in the future, Mingxue's physique is naturally cold, and her body temperature is much lower than other people's.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been growing up under the care of Dugu Ming, so she seldom contacts with people, and she also cares about the difference between her and others.

Although the relationship with me seems to be very good now, when she saw me before, she completely ignored me as air. "

Zimeng looked at Dugu Mingxue not far away, squatting on the ground looking at the little flowers by the roadside, feeling a little distressed.

In fact, Zi Meng also thought about helping Dugu Mingxue change her physique, but after changing her physique, Dugu Mingxue's magic might not be as good as it is now.

Therefore, Zi Meng is just thinking about it now, as for whether Dugu Mingxue is willing, Zi Meng should talk to Dugu Ming after she returns safely.

If they all have no objections, Zimeng will start to help Dugu Mingxue change her physique.

After her physique changes, Dugu Mingxue doesn't have to worry about her being different from others.

"I know, she is the eldest lady of Dugu's family? Although, I know about it, but I have never really met Miss Dugu."

Yu Zhu looked at Dugu Mingxue following Zimeng's line of sight, but the current Dugu Mingxue seemed a little different from the rumored one.

According to the rumors, Dugu Mingxue seldom talks and doesn't like to be in contact with people. It seems that her brother is the only one who can walk with her.

But now, she seems to have a good relationship with Zimeng, and she doesn't really reject other people's contact.

Just like before, when Yu Zhu patted her on the shoulder, she didn't seem to have much reaction.

"Well, the current Mingxue has changed a lot from when I first met her, but this change is of great benefit to her."

Zi Meng turned her head and smiled at Yu Zhu, Yu Zhu looked at Zi Meng and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Thank you, Miss Zimeng." Yu Zhu thanked Zimeng seriously, and Zimeng tilted her head to look at her in confusion.

Zimeng thought that she didn't say anything or do anything, right?Well done, why did Yu Zhu thank her?

"Are you okay? I don't seem to have done anything?" Zi Meng turned around with a smile, and walked towards Dugu Mingxue.

"Maybe, Miss Zimeng, you don't care about it yourself, but I am really grateful. In the past, in my eyes, there were only the master and Leng Nan.

Every day, he carried out the orders given by his master, and then watched what happened around him with a spectator attitude, never taking the people around him seriously.

However, Miss Zimeng, you are different. No matter whether you have known each other before or not, as long as you have met them, you will get along with them attentively, which changed my state of mind. "

(End of this chapter)

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