Chapter 442 Will never admit it
Zimeng looked at Lucky very seriously, and Lucky nodded. This is what he said, but what does it have to do with what Zimeng said?

"Since I can't go back, I want you to start living here again. No way, do you want me to live here with those unhappy memories from the past?"

Zi Meng stretched out her hand, gently pinched Lucky's little furry ears, Lucky moved her ears a little itchy, and then looked at Zi Meng.

"Sometimes, I feel that some of the words in the book are quite correct. If you share the happy things, you will have more happiness. If you share the unhappy things, it seems to be cut into many parts.

In this way, everyone has only a little bit of unhappiness, isn't it?If you want to forget, then start with these unhappy things, right? "

Zimeng smiled at Lucky. Lucky didn't object this time, but just jumped off Suzaku's egg and threw herself into Zimeng's arms.

"Master, don't worry, luck will never betray you." Lucky grabbed Zimeng's clothes obediently, looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng just smiled, and didn't continue to say anything.

In fact, this kind of life is what she really yearns for, right?

Therefore, Zimeng is really grateful for luck now, so now, her attitude towards luck seems to be much better unconsciously.

"Thank you, lucky." Zimeng leaned against the tree trunk and looked up at the sky. Perhaps, the place where she used to live is above that star in the sky, right?

However, these are not important anymore. Now, Zimeng just wants to live like this, although she doesn't know what the result will be if she goes to the Liuli School in the future.

However, she didn't regret it, as long as it was like this!
"Zimeng, dinner is ready." Dugu Mingxue looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng sent Lucky and Suzaku's eggs back to the Shenjing space, and then jumped down from the tree.

Dugu Mingxue originally reached out to catch Zimeng, but seeing Zimeng's movements, she hurriedly dodged.

Zi Meng stood firmly on the ground, looking at Dugu Mingxue with a smile.

"I was almost kicked out by you, didn't I?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng, with something flickering in her eyes, Zimeng looked at her innocently, as if she didn't know what Dugu Mingxue was talking about.

"You don't need to talk to her, look at her, she will never admit it, right? Miss Zimeng?"

Yuzhu looked at Zimeng helplessly, Zimeng ignored her directly, suppressed a smile, and dragged Dugu Mingxue over to eat, Yuzhu sighed and followed.

Although the food was simple, none of them cared about it. Zi Meng, Yu Zhu and Dugu Mingxue sat together.

Leng Nan and Mo Qiran went to look around to make sure there was no danger nearby before they came back.

However, looking at the three people who were surrounded by each other, they murmured and didn't know what they were talking about, but after they passed by, Zimeng and the others also stopped.

It made both of them even more curious about what they were talking about.

"What were you talking about just now? So mysterious?" Leng Nan stopped not far from them, looking at Yuzhu.

"It's nothing, you two rest, the three of us are here to watch over you." Yu Zhu got up and looked at the two of them with a smile.

Leng Nan and Mo Qiran looked at each other, and they both saw puzzlement in each other's eyes. Aren't the three of them resting along the way, and the two of them are responsible for safety?Why did it change now?
(End of this chapter)

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