Chapter 445 An Inexplicable Attack

"Miss Zimeng, what are we going to do next? Wait here?" Zimeng nodded. Now, it seems that there is only one way.

Otherwise, take them back with you.

However, if they just go back like this, I'm afraid Zimeng will be very unwilling!

"Zimeng? You are Beili Zimeng?" The girl who was acting like a baby to Mo Qiran immediately pointed at Zimeng when she heard Yu Zhu's name.

Zimeng turned her head and looked at her, neither saying yes nor no, which made her very wronged.

"I'm Beili Zimeng, what's the problem?" Zimeng blinked and looked at her. In fact, to Zimeng, her name didn't need to be deliberately concealed.

Because, in the future, she is likely to fight the people of Shuramen here, and then they will naturally know that she is Beili Zimeng.

"No, no problem. I'm just curious about you and want to meet you. However, I think, right now, you'd better not study Romans."

She shook her head at Zimeng, then turned to look at Mo Qiran with some anxiety.

If she had agreed to take them in before, but now that she knew Zi Meng's identity, she absolutely couldn't take them in now.

"Then what should we do? When we come here, we must meet the sect master." Mo Qiran looked at her, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then laughed again.

"Although I can't take you in now, I can find you a place to live first, and then, when the door master comes back, I can take you to see him again?"

"That's the only way to go." Before Zi Meng could speak, Mo Qiran spoke, but Zi Meng and the others looked at Mo Qiran and didn't speak.

"Come with me, this is not a place to talk." She pulled Mo Qiran and walked towards a small road, and at the same time, she did not forget to call Zimeng and the others to follow.

After walking for a while, they saw a very simple yard. It was said to be simple, but it was actually okay, but in Zimeng's eyes, it seemed that it was about to collapse.

"Zimeng, what's wrong?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng who stopped suddenly.

"It's okay, I just feel that if I accidentally use too much force, it will destroy this place." The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched, and she opened her mouth to explain to Dugu Mingxue.

Dugu Mingxue turned her head to look at the shabby house, she felt that Zimeng seemed to be thinking too much, although the place is rudimentary, it hasn't reached the point where it will be destroyed, right?

"Could it be that you can't see that this is just an outer barrier?" Mo Qiran turned her head and looked at Zi Meng, her tone full of disgust.

"Really?" Zimeng blinked and looked at him calmly.

It looks like this, but I don't feel that I am wrong at all!
"Because a too luxurious house is here, it will attract many people to come here to make trouble, so, in this way, no one will come back, the entrance is here."

She smiled at Zimeng and the others, then plunged into the barrier, Mo Qiran walked towards the place where she entered, Zimeng watched them disappear one by one, then, sighed, also followed in.

However, as soon as she entered, before she had time to look at her surroundings, a murderous aura rushed towards her, she hurriedly dodged, and then, with a wave of her little hand, the plants on the ground grew wildly, forcing her attackers back.

Then, she looked angrily at the person who suddenly attacked her for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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