Chapter 451 Learning to Skate
Li Yuange and Mo Yuluo from the room also came out, Zi Meng stopped in front of Dugu Mingxue and looked at her.

"Although the conditions are limited, it's still fun, do you want to try it?" Zi Meng looked at Dugu Mingxue with a smile, and Dugu Mingxue nodded fiercely.

With skates added to the soles of her shoes, she was impatient to play, but just as she stood on the ice, she fell down.

Zimeng watched her fall and closed her eyes, she knew it would happen.

Opening her eyes, Zi Meng saw Dugu Mingxue looking at her pitifully.

Sighing, Zi Meng slid the skates, stopped at Dugu Mingxue, stretched out her hand, and pulled her up.

"What are you in such a hurry for? I haven't finished what I'm going to say, okay?" Zi Meng supported Dugu Mingxue, making her grab the side railing.


"If you want to skate, you must control your own balance ability. If you can't control it, you will fall like just now."

As Zimeng said, she turned around again. Whether she moved or stopped, she was very stable. It can be seen that her balance ability is very strong.

"Could it be that there's no problem if the balance ability is good?" Yu Zhu looked at Zi Meng in confusion.

"How is it possible? But balance is an important part."

"Then, when Zimeng first started, did you ever fall?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng, who scratched her nose uncomfortably.

"To be honest, at the beginning, no one taught me this, so I fell down many times, but after I really understood it, I didn't fall down."

Zi Meng stretched out her hand to Dugu Mingxue, Dugu Mingxue grabbed it carefully, and then Zi Meng led Dugu Mingxue back slowly.

Dugu Mingxue followed Zimeng, and slowly slid up. What Zimeng envied and hated was that maybe she and Dugu Mingxue were ice mages.

For skating, she mastered it very quickly. Although she is not proficient, compared with Zimeng, she is also much worse, but she is not bad at all when she slides by herself.

Seeing the two of them having fun, the others naturally wanted to play too, so Zimeng began to teach them one by one.

Yu Zhu had almost learned it, so she went to teach Leng Nan, and Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiran, Mo Qiran's body froze suddenly, and a little timidly averted her gaze.

Just seeing how embarrassing Yu Zhu and the others fell, he didn't want to play anymore, because it was really embarrassing!

"No way? Are you afraid of this?" Seeing Mo Qiran's expression, Mo Yuluo immediately walked over dissatisfied.

"How could I be afraid of this? I just don't want to play, trouble!" Mo Qiran glared at her, but she was not angry, and continued to look at Mo Qiran with a smile.

"Since you don't want to learn, shall I come first?" Li Yuange looked at Dugu Mingxue and the others having fun, and looked a little excited.

Originally, he wanted to come last, but since Mo Qiran didn't want to learn, then he came first, no problem, right?
"Let's start." Who knew, Mo Qiran was already standing in front of Zi Meng before Li Yuan Song started.

The arrogant look on her face made Zimeng's mouth twitch slightly, isn't this guy not imitating it?Why do you want to learn again?

Although Zi Meng was very puzzled, she still took Mo Qiran's hand and began to teach him patiently.

Seeing Mo Qiran's blushing face and uncoordinated movements, Mo Yuluo covered her mouth and secretly laughed. Sure enough, she guessed it right?

(End of this chapter)

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