Chapter 455 Believe me

Those plants were getting tighter and tighter, as if they were going to be strangled into two pieces.

"Help! Help!" Mo Yuluo's brows were wrinkled by the sound of their cries for help, but they didn't make a move.

Now, it would be a good thing for them to be taught a lesson by Zimeng, right?
But, is it really okay to go on like this?Will it kill you?
"What are you doing?" A powerful voice came, Zi Meng looked up, it was an old man.

Although he looks very old, his strength is definitely not that simple.

This can be said to be the most terrifying enemy that Zimeng has encountered since coming here.

Of course, this is among those who have fought against her.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye are naturally very strong, but they have never attacked Zi Meng, have they?
In an instant, Zimeng was on alert.

"Great Elder, help!" A disciple asked him for help. When Zi Meng heard this address, murderous aura burst out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Are you the Great Elder who has been hiding in the turtle shell and never showing up? You really disappointed me! I thought that even the Great Elder should be a handsome person, but it turned out to be a bad old man? "

Zimeng shrugged helplessly, as if she was very shocked, Yuzhu couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed directly.

Mo Qiran and the others couldn't help but look at Zimeng, this girl, she used words to provoke her before she started fighting, didn't she?

Didn't she ever think that there is too much difference in strength between them, and if they fight, there is absolutely no chance of winning?
"Who are you?" The elder looked at Zimeng dissatisfied, and Zimeng burst out laughing, as if he had heard some joke.

"Didn't you always look for me? Now, why ask who I am again? Oh, by the way, you should have never seen me.

Sorry sorry, let me introduce myself, I am Beili Zimeng who killed Qi Gang and Dongyanglian, I have always been looking forward to meeting you! "

Zimeng looked at him with a smile, and when he heard Zimeng's name, a murderous look flashed in the elder's eyes.

"It was you who killed Ah Gang. I was worried about not being able to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door!" The elder rushed to Zimeng angrily, wanting to put Zimeng to death.

However, although Zimeng's strength is not as good as his, she won't just stand there and wait to be beaten.

The moment the Great Elder approached, Zi Meng dodged to dodge. Where she was standing, a big hole was punched out by the Great Elder's attack!
Zimeng couldn't help but patted her little heart. Fortunately, she hid quickly, otherwise, she would have been knocked down, but she was dead, wasn't she?

"Isn't that demeanor? Attacking without even saying a word, is this the style of the Great Elder of the Asura Sect? It's really embarrassing!"

Zimeng stood aside, looking at the furious elder speechlessly, the elder's face turned green from Zimeng's anger.

He looked around, and the disciples bound by the plants controlled by Zi Meng frowned.

He didn't expect that Zi Meng could control those plants while avoiding his attack.

However, he would not just watch these disciples being killed by Zi Meng, so he raised his hand, ready to attack those plants.

"I want to remind you, don't act rashly, otherwise, they will be killed by you, you must believe me."

(End of this chapter)

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