Chapter 460
"Stinky girl, you dare to use poison on this old man! Despicable!" The Great Elder glared at Zi Meng in dissatisfaction, Zi Meng shook her head with some regret, does this person really have the qualifications to be a Great Elder?

Besides, she's just a little woman, so what's wrong with using poison?Did someone say that she can't use poison?What's more, she didn't use this poison.

"To be honest, I think you are really stupid!" I don't know if Zimeng did it on purpose or on purpose, but no matter how you look at it, this guy seems to be trying to anger the elder on purpose.

"What are you talking about, stinky girl, you are looking for death!" Provoked by Zi Meng, the great elder waved his hand immediately, and the flames burst out, igniting the thorns and thorns around him.

However, Zi Meng didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, looking at the big elder's hideous expression, it seemed like she was watching a play.

On the contrary, the Great Elder, looking at Zimeng's expression, hesitated inexplicably. For some reason, he, who had never been afraid of anything, actually felt afraid!
However, thinking about it, I feel ridiculous.

He is the Great Elder of Asura Sect, how could he be afraid of an unknown little girl?
After he figured it out, his previous self-confidence returned to his face. Seeing that the thorns and thorns around him were almost burned, he raised his foot and was ready to rush towards Zimeng.

However, at this moment, he realized that his feet were in place, unable to move, as if they were fixed to the ground by something.

He hurriedly lowered his head to check, it turned out that a cane was wrapped around his ankle at some point, but he didn't even notice it!

What exactly is going on?

"Are you curious? Would you like to know when you were bound by vines?" Zimeng smiled, not surprised by his expression at all.

"I've never poisoned you. It's the thorns that poisoned you. The reason why you didn't notice the movement of the vines is because of the toxins on the thorns. Your senses have become much duller."

Zimeng kindly explained to him that the elder looked at Zimeng in disbelief, that she could think so much in just such a short time.

Not only the Great Elder, but even Mo Yuluo and Li Yuange looked at Zimeng in surprise.

Everyone can see that Zimeng's strength is far from the Great Elder's. It is impossible for her to defeat the Great Elder. However, she has always been full of confidence. It turns out that she has already made plans.

Who would have thought that this girl, who seemed to be indifferent to everything, would have such thoughts, and her thoughts were beyond their imagination.

Before fighting the Great Elder, he actually used poison to weaken the Great Elder's combat effectiveness.

Although this approach seems to be unfair, but it seems that no one cares about it.

Because, many people's eyes were attracted by the battle between Qinglong and the gorilla. Qinglong simply abused the gorilla. This kind of fighting method seems to be rare, right?

As for the gorilla, under the pressure of the divine beast released intentionally or unintentionally by Qinglong, it's alright to shiver, but it still wants to die when it is beaten violently by Qinglong who is in a very unhappy mood at this moment!
However, it was said that he wanted to die, even if he wanted to say a word, Qinglong didn't give it a chance at all, instead he kept attacking and venting his dissatisfaction with Zimeng.

Zimeng couldn't fight anymore, because there was no excuse for him to make a move like last time, so he just hit it to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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