Chapter 477 Want to try

Others don't know the feeling of being dependent on others, but Zi Meng knows it very well, that feeling is really too painful.

Of course, in Zimeng's heart, the so-called living under the fence does not mean living in Beili's house now.

It refers to the previous life, that is the real living under the fence!
"Miss Zimeng, are you okay?" Leng Nan walked to Zimeng's side, looked at Zimeng, Zimeng shook his head.

"Is Mo Qiran's family very powerful?" Zi Meng turned to look at Leng Nan.

"I can't say whether they are powerful or not. The Mo family used to be regarded as the royal family, but their ancestors once competed for the throne with the direct line of the royal family.

Although it was unsuccessful in the end, it caused a lot of casualties, and the direct line also lost a lot of blood.

Therefore, each generation of the Mo family will send a gifted child to the palace as a proton to show that they no longer have the idea of ​​robbing the throne. "

Leng Nan looked at Mo Qiran's figure, and explained to Zi Meng lightly, Zi Meng sighed, is the throne really that good?

Why do so many people want to sit in that position?
Anyway, no matter what, Zimeng doesn't like those in power at all, and has never been interested in it!

The journey back was much faster than the time when they came here, maybe it was because of meeting Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng was extremely excited, Dugu Mingxue and the others started to roll their eyes in excitement.

"Zimeng, are you really okay with this?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng with some concern, and Zimeng from the General Administration was a little too excited!
"No problem? I'm fine. By the way, Mingxue, if there is a way to help you change your current physique, would you like to give it a try?"

Zimeng looked at Dugu Mingxue and recalled her previous thoughts. No matter whether it was possible or not, she wanted Dugu Mingxue to give it a try. Maybe it would be successful?

Even if it fails, it can't be a worse result than it is now!

When Dugu Mingxue heard Zimeng's words, she was stunned. How can she change her physique?
Although, I don't know if it will be really successful, but it's good to give it a try, right?

If she succeeds, she won't have to be afraid of contacting others in the future, right?
In this way, there is no need to be afraid of people knowing the difference between her and others, right?
"Zimeng, I want to try." Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng with firm eyes!

But, for some reason, seeing Dugu Mingxue like this, Zi Meng was a little unsure and a little apprehensive.

She is really a little scared, what should I do if I am afraid that I will fail suddenly?Afraid……

In short, she was afraid of many things, and this seemed to be the first time she had such a mood. Back then, she didn't seem to be like this when she first started treating people!

"What if I fail?" Zi Meng looked at Dugu Mingxue, who lowered her head and did not look at Zi Meng.

"Even if it fails, it doesn't matter. Anyway, no matter what, it can't be worse than it is now, right? Besides, I also believe in Zimeng. Maybe it will succeed?"

Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng very seriously, and at the same time, it gave Zimeng some confidence in herself. Zimeng let out a breath and smiled at her.

"Okay, but this matter can't be rushed for the time being. You can go back and discuss it with your brother first. If you are all sure to do it, then bring me some of your blood and your brother's blood."

Now that Dugu Mingxue has made a decision, Zi Meng will definitely do her best to help Dugu Mingxue.

(End of this chapter)

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