Chapter 509: Zimeng's Blood
Bei Liyang glanced at Dugu Ming with disgust, and Dugu Ming looked at Zi Meng with a relaxed face, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be cheated by Zi Meng.

While breathing a sigh of relief, he also glared at Zi Meng, who shrugged and stood beside Dugu Mingxue.

The ice on Dugu Mingxue's body kept thickening. Although Dugu Mingxue was an ice magician, this situation did not affect her at all.

However, the so-called no influence can only be said to be before, not now.

She has to think of a way!
"Lucky, Shenquan water, can it be fed to Mingxue now?" Zimeng thought for a while, then probed her divine sense into the Shenjing space.

"Yes, but, I think, Master, with so many people here, is it really okay for you to take out the divine spring water so rashly?"

Lucky, who was holding the Suzaku egg, rolled in boredom, and opened his mouth.

"What's the problem, but the divine spring water won't have any bad influence on Mingxue?"

Zimeng didn't care if there were too many people here, she just wanted to help Dugu Mingxue.

"Master, actually, I've always wanted to say, why not use your blood?" Lucky let go of the egg in his arms, and looked at Zi Meng's consciousness innocently.

"Use my blood, what do you mean?" Zi Meng looked at Lucky in confusion.

"Master, didn't I tell you? There is a divine crystal space, and your blood can help her fuse blood?"

Lucky blinked and acted like a baby to Zimeng's consciousness, Zimeng rolled her eyes and backed out.

Zimeng looked at Dugu Mingxue, using her blood, she wouldn't care, but, Di Yuanmo here, shouldn't let her do it?
"Well, Master National Teacher, can I discuss something with you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo nodded and looked at Zi Meng.

"I'm hungry." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously, Di Yuanmo smiled helplessly, turned around, and was about to call Leng Nan.

"I want to eat what you bought yourself." Zimeng laughed again, Di Yuanmo raised his eyebrows, nodded in agreement, turned the wheelchair and walked out.

When Di Yuanmo left, Zi Meng hurried to Dugu Mingxue's side, turned her head, and looked at Li Yuange and Tang Jingcheng.

"I need your help." As she said, the commonly used scalpel appeared in Zimeng's hand.

"Good apprentice, what are you going to do?" Tang Jingcheng looked at Zimeng in confusion, Zimeng smiled at him, and slashed her wrist open. At the same time as the blood dripped, the scalpel in Zimeng's hand had already been scratched. Passed Dugu Mingxue's wrist.

Then, she put away the scalpel in her hand and quickly released her spiritual power. Li Yuange saw Zimeng's plan, and released her spiritual power without saying a word.

Zimeng raised her head, smiled at him, then lowered her head, watching her blood flow into Dugu Mingxue's body seriously.


"Little aunt..."

Seeing Zimeng's movements, several people moved forward in surprise, but saw that as Zimeng's blood flowed into Dugu Mingxue's body, the ice on Dugu Mingxue's body disappeared little by little.

"This is……"

"It's ready." Di Yuanmo's voice came, and Zi Meng's body stopped suddenly. Tang Jingcheng stepped forward to help them heal their wounds.

Zimeng turned her head, with a pale face, and smiled at Di Yuanmo, "Sorry, I made you worry."

"I knew that you sent me away suddenly, it's definitely not just because you're hungry!" Di Yuanmo's expression was rare and serious, and Zi Meng didn't dare to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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