Chapter 518 It's All Mine
Zi Meng stuffed a pill into Nan Jin Chuyue's mouth, and Nan Jin Chuyue felt that the pill melted in her mouth.

The warm breath wafted around, making Nan Jin Chuyue's whole body warm.

Soon, she felt that her wound didn't hurt any more. She raised her hand, and Nan Jin Chuyue saw that her wound was healing at a very fast speed.

"Go!" Zimeng's voice fell, and Qinglong and Xuanwu had already rushed out.

"Qinglong, what are you doing?" Baihu looked at Qinglong who was directly attacking him, and asked in puzzlement.

"Don't do anything, that girl said, let me have a good chat with you. We haven't fought for a long time. It should feel good to have a fight."

As Qinglong said, the attacks in his hands continued, and Baihu was still dodging at first, but seeing Qinglong's relentless appearance, he also started to fight back.

On the other side, because the white tiger was entangled by the green dragon and could not escape, a group of people attacked by Xuanwu kept calling for help from the white tiger.

However, at this moment, Baihu, how can he have time to take care of them?He had to concentrate on fighting Qinglong, if he didn't pay attention, he would be hit by Qinglong!

"Lord Baihu, you are the guardian beast of our Dongyang family, hurry up and save us!" The master of Dongyang looked at Baihu with dissatisfaction in his tone, as if Baihu had to save them.

However, Baihu was being chased and beaten by Qinglong in a daze, so he had no time to take care of them.

"Patriarch Dongyang, you are wrong. Although the white tiger is the guardian animal of the Dongyang family, he does not belong to the Dongyang family."

Seeing that Nan Jin Chuyue was fine, Zi Meng stood up and looked at Patriarch Dongyang calmly.

"What did you say?" Patriarch Dongyang looked at Zimeng disdainfully, and Zimeng turned slightly.

"I said, whether it's Qinglong or Baihu, they belong to me, and they have nothing to do with you." This time, Zimeng raised her voice, not only Dongyang Patriarch, but even Baihu heard it.

When he turned his head to look at Zimeng, Qinglong punched him in the face.

Then, Qinglong looked at his hand in disbelief, did he just hit Baihu?no?

He couldn't help feeling a little thankful, fortunately, he didn't use his spiritual power, otherwise, he would really have injured the white tiger.

Zimeng asked him to chat with Baihu, just to prevent Baihu from getting involved in Dongyang's family. If Baihu was really injured, Baihu would definitely chase him after this incident.

"Are you kidding, the four great beasts do not belong to you, but, with your words, you will die! You will be hunted down by all the strong!"

Patriarch Dongyang looked at Zimeng with a smirk, and then, while Xuanwu was dealing with the others, he was about to slip away.

However, before he could run a few steps, his body suddenly couldn't move.

Just when he was puzzled, the figure of Di Yuanmo came out from the darkness, looking at Patriarch Dongyang indifferently.

"My lord, help me, this woman is going to kill me!" Patriarch Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Di Yuanmo, he didn't believe that Di Yuanmo would kill him.

Di Yuanmo is the national teacher of Xuexiang Kingdom, his mission is to protect the people of Xuexiang Kingdom, and the Dongyang family belongs to Xuexiang Kingdom, so it is Di Yuanmo's responsibility to protect him.

However, these are just the thoughts of Patriarch Dongyang alone. If Di Yuanmo finds out, he may die faster!

"I think you made a mistake, Patriarch Dongyang." Di Yuanmo's voice was very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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