Chapter 523
Zi Meng threw out a seed, and then, a faint green light flashed under her feet, and then, the seed grew rapidly.

Nan Jin Chuyue watched those huge vines surrounded those corpses, and then watched those corpses disappear.

After a while, the vines gradually recovered and turned into seeds. There were no corpses on the ground, only blood stains left behind.

The Patriarch of the Dongyang family, who was entangled by vines, had also disappeared. With a slight movement of Zimeng's hand, the seed had already flown back into Zimeng's hand.

Looking at the seeds that were gradually turning red, Zimeng sighed.

"By the way, you've already absorbed several corpses, right? Why hasn't it changed at all?" Zi Meng gently pinched the seeds in her hand, and the seeds didn't change much except that they were a little redder.

Putting the seeds away, Zi Meng turned to look at Nan Jin Chuyue. Nan Jin Chuyue saw that Zi Meng's expression was not very good, so she swallowed nervously.

"That, Zi Meng?" Nan Jin Chuyue called out cautiously.

"I said, are you stupid?" Zi Meng suddenly roared loudly, and jumped off Nan Jin Chuyue.

"What... what's wrong?" Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng timidly.

"During this time, you should be very clear about what Dongyang's family is doing, right? You dare to chase after us alone. If we don't come here in time, you may die, do you know?"

Zimeng's temper didn't stop for a while, and her voice became louder and louder. Nan Jin Chuyue knew that she had done something wrong, but she just wanted to help Zimeng, but she didn't expect that not only did she not help, but instead It caused trouble for Zimeng.

"Chuyue, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I hope you will stop doing such dangerous things in the future, otherwise, I really don't know how to repay you, do you know?"

Zimeng took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, frowned at Nanjin Chuyue, Nanjin Chuyue nodded, and looked at Zimeng apologetically.

She knew that she was at fault for this matter, so she just obediently listened to Zimeng's words and didn't refute anything.

Because she knew her fault, now, obediently listening to Zimeng's words is the only way to win, otherwise, Zimeng who is angry doesn't know what she will do.

"I'm sorry, Zi Meng, to trouble you." Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng apologetically, Zi Meng looked at her and sighed.

"I was too excited, but, Chuyue, in the future, you must never do anything you are not sure of, you know?"

Zi Meng looked at Nan Jin Chuyue, and Nan Jin Chuyue nodded hurriedly. Seeing Zi Meng's appearance, she was no longer angry, and Nan Jin Chuyue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Dongyang family has always had a grudge against me, and you are close to me, so when they see you following them, they will definitely not let you go, and you are so bold as to follow them."

Zimeng looked at Nanjin Chuyue with a sad expression. She knew what Nanjin Chuyue did for her, but she really didn't want to see Nanjin Chuyue have an accident.

Not only Nan Jin Chuyue, but also other people, as long as they are people around Zi Meng, Zi Meng doesn't want them to be hurt.

"It's my own skills that are not good enough, so I was discovered by them, but fortunately, you came in time, they hurt too much!"

Nan Jinchuyue embarrassedly smiled at Zimeng, Zimeng rolled her eyes, she was beaten like that, yet she could still laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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