Chapter 534: Future Leader (2)

Zi Meng looked around, not only the two of them, but also the others, their arms were full of colorful things.

Zimeng couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, she just hasn't come back for a while, what are these people going to do, are they going to set up a stage for recruiting relatives?

Could it be that they also noticed that something was wrong here?

The Liuli faction is full of women, there are no men, it is said that there are no men, and even the men who come here to work are rarely allowed to enter.

In Zimeng's view, this is a serious yin-yang imbalance!

Looking around, they are all women. Although everyone is very beautiful, but no matter what, they are all women. If you see too much, you will feel nothing, right?
"Who is going to get married? Why didn't you notify me in advance of such a good thing?" Zi Meng suddenly realized something, and looked at Ling Siyun and the others with a smile.

She has been here for so long, but she has never seen what it is like to get married.

She has seen many marriage scenes on TV, but those scenes are all similar, it's just a formality.

Therefore, thinking of seeing such a scene, Zimeng was very excited.

"Zimeng, don't you know what we're going to do?" Sheng Ge tilted his head, looking at Zimeng puzzled, Zimeng shook his head.

Sheng Ge and Ling Siyun looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes.

Zimeng blinked, why did their expressions tell her that she should know about this?
Suddenly, a chill rose directly from Zimeng's back to her head, swallowing her saliva, Zimeng's footsteps could not help but retreat.

Dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous!
"Well, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do, you are busy, I will go first, no matter if you have something to do, don't look for me, you know?"

As she said that, Zimeng grabbed her body and was about to run away. Shengge and Ling Siyun knew Zimeng's plan by watching Zimeng's movements.

Since Zimeng didn't know about this, it meant that Xing Yage did it without telling Zimeng, and it was even more impossible for them to let Zimeng leave.

Otherwise, when Xing Yage asked, the two of them would definitely be unlucky. For their safety, they could only wrong Zi Meng.

"Wait, Zimeng, what are you going to do? We are very busy now, so you should stay and help, huh?"

Ling Siyun and Shengge dropped the things in their hands at the same time, rushed to Zimeng's side, and pulled Zimeng from left to right, preventing Zimeng from leaving.

"Hey, hey, I said, what are you doing? You are busy with your work, what are you pulling me for? Am I not good at anything?"

Zimeng struggled to leave, but how could Ling Siyun and Shengge let her slip away?
It was impossible for Zimeng to beat them out as if they were enemies. If they were injured, she would have to come and heal them.

"So, what exactly do you want to do? Can you give me an accurate answer?" Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly and let them hold her back.

"It's nothing, we're not busy now, long time no see, let's have a chat together?" Ling Siyun looked at Zi Meng with a smile, and the corner of Zi Meng's mouth twitched slightly.

Just now they said that they are too busy, now, there is nothing else to do, do you want to chat with her?
These two people, are they talking nonsense with their eyes open?This is to make it clear that she is not allowed to leave, right?May I ask now, can she hit them?
(End of this chapter)

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