Chapter 543 Auction Pills
Zimeng watched Lucky and the others talking, and sat quietly on the side, neither speaking nor moving, completely unaware of what she was thinking.

"I said, little lucky, what's wrong with your master? It seems that you have something very serious on your mind?" The ancestor looked at Zimeng and asked Lucky, and Lucky tilted his head to look at Zimeng. Something is wrong, okay?

"I don't know either!" Lucky turned his head innocently, and the ancestor of his family turned his head and looked at Zimeng.

"But it's okay, Zimeng has something on his mind now, but it should be fine soon, it's like this every time." Lucky thought for a while, and looked at his ancestor.

"Since you are the lucky ancestor, you have lived here for a long time. If the Liuli school is gone, where are you going?" Zimeng said suddenly, lucky they couldn't help but look at Zimeng.

"There's nowhere to go? My soul can't leave here until it disappears." It looked at Zimeng very calmly, Zimeng frowned, not understanding why she was so calm!
"Master..." Luck climbed onto Zimeng's lap pitifully, and looked at Zimeng.

"Don't worry, I will keep the Liuli School." Zi Meng rubbed Lucky's head lightly, and Lucky nodded.

Zimeng sighed. If she wanted to keep the Liuli faction, she had to operate the funds of the Liuli faction first. But, what can she do now?

Zimeng thought about it for a long time, but didn't come up with a reason. Fortunately, she chatted with her ancestors for a long time, and Zimeng left with luck.

Zimeng returned to the Zimeng Medical Center in a daze, Di Yuanmo looked at her and sighed helplessly.

"Why did you come back listless after going out?" Di Yuanmo gently rubbed Zi Meng's head, and Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo.


"Tired!" Zi Meng reached out and put her arms around Di Yuanmo's waist, then rubbed her head against Di Yuanmo's arms.

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and patted her on the head lightly, "Tell me, I'll give you an idea."

Zimeng pulled Di Yuanmo to sit by the bed, and then told Di Yuanmo about the Liuli Sect from beginning to end, and then waited for Di Yuanmo to give her advice.

"Auction house!" Di Yuanmo thought for a while, then spoke lightly, and Zi Meng blinked.

What happened to the auction house?
"Your elixir is very attractive to many people, and if it is auctioned, it should be very valuable."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a smile, and Zi Meng blinked again, auctioning off the pill?
This was something she had never thought about, but since Di Yuanmo said it, she could give it a try.

Just do what you say, and Zi Meng rushed out before Di Yuanmo could continue to speak. When Di Yuanmo realized, Zi Meng had disappeared, and the sound of the door being closed came from outside.

In order to refine the elixir, Zi Meng hadn't come out for a long time, and Di Yuanmo suddenly felt that he seemed to have said something wrong before.

He forgot for a moment, Zimeng's character of what to say and what to do, now, even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

"Leng Nan, Leng Nan, Leng Nan..." Zi Meng came out of the alchemy room and shouted to the outside, Leng Nan put down the things in his hands, and hurried to Zi Meng.

"Miss Zimeng, what's the matter with you calling me in such a hurry?" Leng Nan asked Zimeng looking at Di Yuanmo who was drinking tea leisurely not far away.

At a time like this, shouldn't Zimeng find Di Yuanmo?What are you calling him for?

(End of this chapter)

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