Chapter 556: Emperor Yuanmo Arrives

The queen waved her hand domineeringly, Zi Meng raised her eyebrows, and suddenly felt that this queen was really ridiculous!
Zimeng admitted that she was indeed just a wild girl adopted by Beili's family, but as to whether Beili's family thought so, the great empress didn't seem to investigate?

Moreover, asking him to marry this guy who is annoying no matter how you look at it, Zimeng felt that she would choose to commit suicide directly!

"Are you sure you want me to marry him?" Zimeng still had a relaxed look, and the queen nodded slightly without saying a word.

"It's okay to marry him, but I'm afraid, the empress only needs someone's consent." Zimeng looked at the queen with a smile, and the queen looked at Zimeng with a frown.

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that Zimeng was delaying time.

Even in Xuexiang Country, the status of the four big families is very high, I am afraid that they will definitely not block this marriage.

Being able to establish a relationship with the royal family is also beneficial to their family, and this person has no blood relationship with them.

People from Beili's family will never stop them!

"Who wants to agree?"

"Me!" Di Yuanmo's voice came from outside, and Zi Meng suddenly turned her head to look over.

Di Yuanmo sat in a wheelchair and appeared in front of Zimeng. Zimeng blinked in confusion, why is Di Yuanmo here?
"Why are you here? Don't you have something to deal with?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo looked at her helplessly.

If Bei Liwan hadn't been worried and went to the National Teacher's Mansion to look for him, and Yuzhu hurriedly came to inform him after knowing about it, wouldn't it be true that Zimeng was going to marry someone else?
"Why didn't someone let me know? Do you really want to marry him?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng angrily, and Zimeng immediately felt wronged.

"I don't want to either. However, a group of soldiers suddenly went to the hospital to find me, saying that the empress had invited me. I thought that the empress, as the mother of a country, would not embarrass me. Who knew they would put me in prison?" In prison?
And, you know what?The environment in that prison was really bad, not to mention the humidity, and the bugs, I was alone in it, it scared me to death! "

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, Zi Meng put her hand on Di Yuanmo's, Di Yuanmo held her hand tightly, and looked up at the shocked queen.

Seeing Di Yuanmo coming, Mo Xie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I believe that with Di Yuanmo here, the queen shouldn't dare to do anything, right?
"What is the meaning of the national teacher breaking into my bedroom suddenly?" The queen restrained her expression, stood up, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"What do you mean? I never knew that the empress is so hospitable that she invited Zi'er to the palace as a guest. It's just that the empress asked my future wife to marry someone else, which makes me very unhappy?"

When Di Yuanmo said this, he held Zimeng's hand with some strength, and the corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, this guy was angry!
The empress was also shocked by Di Yuanmo's words. Looking at the relationship between Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, she suddenly felt that what happened today was a little thoughtless.

However, as a queen, how could she bow her head and admit her mistake in front of others?

"Prince Mo, you already knew about this, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known earlier, such a thing would never have happened!"

The queen looked at Mo Xie, and attributed all the faults to Mo Xie. Mo Xie frowned, and Zi Meng frowned too.

(End of this chapter)

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