Chapter 559

"Empress, I think, let's talk about the question of whether to marry or not?"

Zimeng looked at the queen with a smile, the queen's body froze suddenly, and she looked at Zimeng viciously.

"Hmph, it's your good fortune to be able to marry Xiaogang, but since Master Guoshi likes you so much, then you have to serve Master Guoshi well, let's just forget about it!"

The queen looked at Zimeng, turned around, and opened her mouth in a daze, Zimeng lowered her head and smiled, this matter can't just be left alone!
Di Yuanmo raised the corner of his eyebrows lightly, asking Zi Meng to serve him?Ah!Obviously he is serving Zimeng, okay?
"However, I think this matter really shouldn't be left alone! Hou Gang first took advantage of me on the grounds that his wife was ill, and then he even took me into prison, drugged me, and attempted to Conspiring against me.

If Prince Mo hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. In the end, you, the queen, are indiscriminate and forced me to marry such a dubious person.

I don't care about this matter, or I can let Master Guoshi not care about it, but there is still a couple in my family, he is very angry now, no matter what, he doesn't listen to my advice, he insists on talking to your nephew one time.

If you don't let him come out to solve this matter personally, the consequences may be very serious, so, Empress, I call him out to solve this matter, do you have any objections? "

Zimeng looked at the queen with a smile, and chattered. The queen was stunned. Seeing her reaction, Zimeng nodded in satisfaction, and called out Qinglong, who had already been unable to hold back. .

As a result, before Zimeng could react, Qinglong had already made the move first!

Hou Gang was directly sent flying by him, broke the window, hit the rockery in the yard, and then fell to the ground unconscious!

Zimeng couldn't help but clicked her tongue, the fate of this Hou Gang is really miserable, why since he saw him, he will always be beaten to death.

However, being beaten by Zimeng and Moxie before was just a trivial matter. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Qinglong to stand up in the future, right?
"Master Qinglong, how can you ask his opinion when you beat him out like this?" Zimeng looked at Qinglong helplessly, Qinglong glared at Zimeng, and then looked at the terrified queen.

"Huh, the master of this deity, can anyone marry? It's his luck to be able to talk to this girl, and you dare to force the marriage!" Qinglong ignored Zimeng and stared at the queen viciously.

The queen was so frightened by the aura emanating from Qinglong that she sat on the ground directly. Although she didn't know Qinglong, she knew who this person was just because of the aura of Qinglong and the sentence Zi Meng said just now. up.

She never thought that Zimeng was the master of Qinglong. Now, she understood why the head of the Beili family, one of the four major families, recognized such a little girl as a righteous daughter.

The master of Qinglong is not only a member of the four major families, but even the emperor has to give enough face when he sees it.

But what did she do before?She actually let Qinglong's master marry her worthless nephew.

Now, it's not just Di Yuanmo making trouble for her.

It indirectly shows that she is now an enemy of Qinglong, one of the four great beasts.

"I...I..." The queen was so frightened by Qinglong that she backed away, her face turned pale, her mouth was trembling and she couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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