Chapter 573 Did He Mishear?

"Really? This girl ran around, didn't know to say anything? Forget it, don't care, she is here anyway, and she can't get lost,"

Yu Zhu raised her eyebrows, Zi Meng is the only one who got lost, right?

Every time Zimeng went out alone, they were very worried, for fear that Zimeng would get lost in that corner and would not be able to come back.

"I'm going to take a shower first." Zi Meng lowered her head and sniffed the scent on her body, and then ran away in a flash.

Yu Zhu looked at Zimeng's appearance, then, following her example, lowered her head, smelled her own scent, and then ran away in a hurry.

She just forgot to take a bath first, how tired is she?
Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise, wouldn't she be disgusted to death?

Sitting comfortably in the bathtub, Zimeng narrowed her eyes. After being tired for such a long time, soaking in hot water is the most comfortable time.

If it wasn't because Di Yuanmo was still waiting outside, Zi Meng would have wanted to just sleep like this.

"Why did you come out without drying your hair?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's drooping hair and asked softly.

"I was afraid you had waited too long, so I came out." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and Zi Meng put hers on Di Yuanmo's hand.

Di Yuanmo pulled Zimeng to sit down, and gently wiped Zimeng's wet hair, while Zimeng just sat obediently, letting Diyuanmo dictate.

Qin Yu looked at Qin Xue who was tightly wrapped up and down on the bed. The smell on her body was relieved a lot. She should be all right, right?

Moreover, seeing her sleeping soundly, Qin Yu heaved a sigh of relief. How long has Qin Xue not had a good rest?Now, to be able to sleep so soundly.

In fact, how did he know that Qin Xue didn't fall asleep by herself, but that she fell asleep so deeply because she took the medicine given by Zi Meng.

Otherwise, the things Zimeng did were not meant to make her cry out in pain, did she?

Qin Yu looked at Qin Xue, and was ready to thank Zimeng.

However, when he walked to the back according to the guidance of others, he was stunned.

What did he see?
He actually saw that the great national teacher was brushing Zimeng's hair, and the gentleness on his face, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid he wouldn't believe what others said about him, would he?

Seeing Qin Yu who was stunned there, Zimeng smiled helplessly, another person who was shocked by Di Yuanmo's behavior!
"Have you seen your sister?" Zi Meng said lightly, Di Yuanmo raised his head, looked at Qin Yu, did not speak, but continued to move his hands, brushing Zi Meng's hair.

"Thank you, Miss Zimeng, for your help. If you don't know Miss Zimeng, I'm afraid my sister..." Qin Yu secretly reminded himself to ignore the situation in front of him, took a deep breath, and looked at Zimeng respectfully.

"You don't have to thank me. I should thank you. It's been a long time since I had a patient like this." Zimeng smiled at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu blinked, she was a little suspicious, did he hear it wrong, or did Zimeng's words originally have this meaning?
What Zimeng meant was that she was happy when someone came to see a doctor for her?Looking at Zimeng's happy look, he should have heard correctly.

Hearing Zimeng's tone, Di Yuanmo couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. He had nothing to do during this time, but it seemed that Zimeng was really suffocated.

Otherwise, you can't be so happy just because you have a patient, right?

(End of this chapter)

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