Chapter 578 Two Worlds (3)

"Is there something wrong with my body?" Di Yuan Mo asked softly.

"Everything is normal, there's nothing wrong with it? What's wrong with it?" Zi Meng withdrew her hand and looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

Not only is there no problem with taking the pulse, Di Yuanmo's face is rosy, so there is nothing wrong with it?what is going on?

For the first time, Zimeng had doubts about her medical skills.

"Okay, just kidding, I'm fine, don't worry, but, thinking about it, I won't be separated from you in the future, my heart seems to stop beating, I've never felt this way before, so it's very novel."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with a smile, Zimeng rolled her eyes, and said earlier, she really thought Diyuanmo was sick!
Don't you know that people are scary and frightening to death?
Especially Di Yuanmo? !

"Are you angry?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng silently, and asked softly, Zi Meng shook his head.

"No, why would I be angry? I'm just a little worried, thinking you're really sick." Zimeng sighed, looking helplessly at Di Yuanmo, who was thinking about getting more and more mischievous.

This guy just scares her if he has nothing to do, and one day, he will scare her out of trouble!

"Hmph, after I saw it, I was frightened, don't you feel bad." Zi Meng said, picked up the grilled fish on the side, and ate it viciously, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a smile.

There is no way, every time he sees Zimeng, he just wants to joke with Zimeng, watching Zimeng happy, angry, acting like a baby, no matter what kind of state, Di Yuanmo likes it very much.

However, Zimeng doesn't seem very happy. It seems that in the future, she should pay more attention, and she can't always be so angry with Zimeng.

However, no matter what expression Zi Meng looked at, Di Yuanmo felt in a good mood.

He has never had such a vicious attitude, especially when dealing with a girl.

However, you can't say that, because Di Yuanmo doesn't seem to have had much contact with women since before. Although there are a few maids in the National Teacher's Mansion, they can't get close to Di Yuanmo.

The only person closest to Di Yuanmo seems to be Yu Zhu, but Yu Zhu's affection for Di Yuan Mo is that of a complete master and guard.

"Where are we going in the future?" Zi Meng suddenly turned to look at Di Yuanmo, only to find that Di Yuanmo was looking at her seriously, and Zi Meng's face was a little hot.

"Wherever Zi'er wants to go, we will go." Di Yuanmo's doting gaze made Zi Meng's face turn even redder.

In the past two days, they walked all the way, no matter what Zimeng wanted to do, Di Yuanmo had no objection, and he would always accompany Zimeng.

Zimeng couldn't help feeling that what Di Yuanmo was doing now was to directly spoil her.

If things go on like this, one day, Zimeng will become an existence that cannot be separated from Di Yuanmo!

"Anywhere in particular you want to go?"

"Well, it seems not." Zimeng shook her head.

From Di Yuanmo's point of view, as long as he is with Zi Meng, it doesn't matter where he goes, but from Zi Meng's point of view, why not?

As long as Di Yuanmo is around, Zi Meng is willing to follow him no matter where he goes, even if it is the ends of the earth, she will not stop.

"I remember, there is a hidden hot spring in front, do you want to try it?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and thought for a while.

He almost forgot that Zimeng didn't know the way at all, and she rarely came here, so it was simply impossible for Zimeng to think of the place she wanted to go.

(End of this chapter)

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