Chapter 583 Fighting the Azure Dragon Alliance (2)

"What are you talking about? You have someone to help, and this deity also has someone to help!" Qinglong looked at Zimeng dissatisfied, and Zimeng stuck out her tongue at him.

"I'll help the master too!" Mu Xi, who was bouncing around, jumped to Zimeng's side, hugged Zimeng's leg, and looked at Qinglong.

Zi Meng stretched out her hand and rubbed Mu Xi's head, she didn't hurt this little guy in vain, she knew she was protecting her.

"Hey, I've been hurting you for so long, haven't I?" Qinglong stretched out his hand and flicked Mu Xi's head, and Mu Xi hid behind Zi Meng in pain.

"Don't worry, I will love you in the future, we don't need him." Bai Hu looked at Mu Xi with a smile, and Mu Xi nodded obediently.

Qinglong rolled his eyes, what are these people doing, are they working together to target him?
Did he provoke public outrage, or what?
"I said, is it enough for you?" Qinglong sighed helplessly, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng amusedly, stretched out his hand, and stopped Zimeng from walking forward.

"Master Baihu, I think we should give our team a name." Following by Baihu's legs, Mu Xi put his short legs and looked up at Baihu.

"Okay, what's your name?" Bai Hu lowered his head, looked at Mu Xi and smiled.

Mu Xi lowered his head and began to think about his name seriously. Bai Hu's smile grew stronger, and he looked up at Zi Meng who was walking hand in hand with Di Yuanmo and kept talking.

In fact, after he signed the contract with Zimeng, he discovered that although they signed the contract with Zimeng, Zimeng never ordered them to do anything.

Moreover, she never cared what they were going to do, but Zimeng would think of them first when encountering something useful to them, and keep it for them.

Although Qinglong has always looked down on Zimeng, but when Zimeng has something to do, he will rush to the front.

He will protect Zimeng very responsibly and prevent anyone from bullying Zimeng, but as a contracted beast, Qinglong always bullies Zimeng, bullying Zimeng in full view.

Although this kind of life is simple, it is not monotonous. He is very relaxed and doesn't have to think about how to deal with his master.

According to Qinglong, in front of Zimeng, there is no need to think of any countermeasures, as long as you are yourself.

"Hey, hurry up, or I'll leave you behind." Qinglong who didn't know when he came to the front raised his hand to greet Baihu and the others.

Baihu bent down, picked up Mu Xi, and followed quickly.

"Master Bai Hu, I can't think of a name." Mu Xi looked at Bai Hu pitifully, and Bai Hu looked at Mu Xi with a funny face.

He asked why Muxi was so quiet, so he was thinking of a name?

"Just call it 'Da Qinglong Alliance'." Bai Hu thought for a while, then spoke softly, and Mu Xi opened his mouth wide. Isn't this name a bit too straightforward?

Does anyone know the purpose?
"This name is very boring!" Qinglong looked at Baihu speechlessly, he really didn't know how Baihu would think of such a tasteless name.

Fighting the Blue Dragon League?
What the hell is playing the Blue Dragon Alliance?

Why is it called the Blue Dragon Alliance?
Is he that hated?In order to beat him, he even formed a team~!

"Are you bored? I'm absolutely fine, right? It's simple and easy to understand, whether you are an adult or a child, whether you are educated or not, as long as you hear it, you will know what we do."

Baihu looked at Qinglong with a smile, Qinglong sighed, he didn't want to talk to Baihu anymore, he was as boring as his master, the current life is really tiring!

(End of this chapter)

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