Chapter 587 Too Unreliable
"Hey, the relationship between us seems a little complicated." Xing Yage scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zimeng was a little horrified, she just asked about the relationship between them, should I be so embarrassed?I always think it's kind of scary!

Could it be that there is still a secret relationship between them?
Incredible, right?

"Don't look at me like that, and don't think wildly, complaining song, he is the child of an old man of mine, that is, the previous Asura Sect Master.

There's a bit of... a bad relationship between me and him, right?However, at that time, I didn't expect that he would hate me so much, even resenting me for giving his child a name. "

Xing Yage sighed helplessly, her tone was more sad, Zimeng didn't speak, just looked at Xing Yage quietly.

That's right, Xing Yage's name has a 'song' in it, but Liange's name has a 'song of resentment' in it.

But is it really resentment?
"Back then, after I met him, we fell in love very quickly. I thought that we could support each other and live on.

However, later on, for some reason, those who didn't come informed him, so I came back first, and within a few days after I came back, I entered the library.

It has been a year since I came out, and after I came out, the old head passed the position of head to me.

Originally, I wanted to go to him and explain to him, but I found out that he was already married.

When he saw me, his attitude was very cold, and he didn't listen to my explanation at all. There was no other way, so I came back. Who knew, after their child was born, he actually chose such a name. "

Xing Yage sighed, looking very helpless, Zimeng didn't speak, just looked at Xing Yage with a frown.

"And, since then, every time I meet him, there will be disputes, so everyone thinks that we have grievances.

In the end, it turned out that there was a grievance between Shuramen and Liuli Sect. "

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, so why didn't you tell her earlier?It made her think that there was really a grievance between Shuramen and Liuli faction.

"Don't you have any sense of guilt?" Zi Meng looked at Xing Yage seriously, and Xing Yage looked at the suddenly serious Zi Meng, a little puzzled.

"You should have told me earlier that there is no real grievance between you, okay? I have always been cautious, thinking that you really have an enmity! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have to work so hard, okay?"

Seeing her expression, Zi Meng rolled her eyes, and Xing Yage shrugged, because she had been used to not explaining this matter all along, so when she came to Zi Meng, she also forgot to explain.

"Sorry!" Xing Yage apologized to Zimeng insincerely, and Zimeng gave her a blank look.

"Okay, okay, I didn't mean it, this matter just passed away, let's go, I will take you to the library." Xing Yage stood up with a smile, Zimeng was speechless, spreading such an unreliable palm The door is also impossible!

"By the way, let me remind you first. During my absence, don't fight with the person who injured you last time. If you suffer another serious injury like last time, I can't save you. ,do you know?"

Walking on the road, Zi Meng did not forget to tell Xing Yage, Xing Yage nodded.

It was also the first time that she got such a serious injury last time, but fortunately, she met Zimeng who was passing by, otherwise, she might have finished playing.

(End of this chapter)

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