Chapter 589 Another Desert
Zimeng turned her head, looked at the open door, raised her foot, and walked in. The moment she entered, the door behind her disappeared.

"Do you also think that she is a very peculiar child, who seems to be able to attract the attention of people around her unintentionally, right? The first time we met, she saved me. Unknowingly, I was attracted to her. "

Seeing Zimeng's disappearing figure, Xing Yage spoke softly, and when he said this, there was still a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The destined person, her achievements and future are beyond your control. Don't try to tie her up. She doesn't belong here."

The vicissitudes of life sounded into Xing Yage's ears, but the gatekeeper did not make any movement, and was still standing there quietly. Only Xing Yage knew that the words just now were said by the gatekeeper.

Xing Yage looked at the gatekeeper in surprise, but the figure of the gatekeeper gradually disappeared under Xing Yage's gaze.

"The destined person?" Xing Yage murmured these four words, but he didn't know what they meant.

However, Xing Yage didn't care about these, since Zi Meng had already entered the library, so there was no need to worry about other things.

Zi Meng took two steps forward slowly, looking at the neatly arranged and simple books around her, she was a little shocked.

Zimeng looked at these books and expressed her admiration for the predecessors of the Liuli School. How much manpower and material resources would it take to collect so many books?
The people of Liuli faction are also really powerful!It's really not that simple.

Zimeng continued to walk forward, but she didn't see Di Yuanmo, nor did she see anything different. Similarly, she didn't feel any danger.

"Di Yuanmo?" Zi Meng called out softly, but her voice quickly disappeared into the vicissitudes of the air, without any response.

Zimeng couldn't help feeling a little worried, did Di Yuanmo not come here, or was he caught by something?

There was no other way, Zi Meng could only continue to walk forward until the deepest point, Zi Meng saw a table in the middle, the table was spotless, neatly placed with pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

Zi Meng looked around, but did not see Di Yuanmo's figure, nor did he see any traces left by Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo said before that he would wait for Zimeng here, but what about people?

When Zimeng was looking for Di Yuanmo everywhere, she didn't find that the surrounding environment was changing little by little.

When Zimeng realized something was wrong, she seemed to be sucked into a bottomless whirlpool.

Maybe it's because, before coming in, Zimeng had already prepared for any emergencies, so even if there were changes around her, she seemed extremely calm.

After the surrounding environment completely changed, Zimeng froze there, why is it a desert again?

Could it be that, in her previous life, did she do something to destroy the desert?So, when we got here, we were thrown into the desert again and again?
Last time, when Xing Yage tricked her into that cave, the lucky ancestor threw her into the desert, but at that time, her consciousness just went to that space.

But, this time, she went to the desert with her whole body, okay?The environment in the desert really makes life worse than death, how can you treat her like this!
Still let her live?
Zimeng looked around the desert here, but found that there were stones of different sizes in the desert, and those stones gave her a strange feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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